Have to know sth...


Guardien of Aasgard
Sep 30, 2008
The problem with Luxembourg is that the great bands never come to us:erk:
So if I want seeing Amon Amarth or an other Band I have to go to France, Belgium or Germany. And because I need some time to travel and school i have to go during week-ands or Holidays, but the concerts given in the neighborhood of Luxembourg are all during the school time....only Bloodshed over Bochum not...and now my question(i'm sure you will think I'm an idiot but to my defence, my google earth isn't working) Is bloodshed over bochum in the town bochum in "nordrhein-westfalen"ca.200 km away from Luxembourg?

Hello to Luxembourg!

There are plenty of tickets still available ... we were joking around in the office yesterday that it would be a great idea to go with our whole department for the New Years Eve party. So just for fun we "ordered" 30 tickets, proceeded to check out, entered address, payment details and ... cancelled of course. But it wouldn't have been a problem to buy them.

How big is that venue? Phelice maybe? Any idea how many people get in there ususally for gigs?