Have YOU ever had too much caffiene?


Jan 15, 2007
Illinois, USA
As some of you may know, I don't drink caffiene or cola much at all. Usually the only time I get any caffiene is via chocolate, Exedrin, or the occasional sweet tea.

So when one almost never puts caffiene into one's body, it is an INCREDIBLY BAD IDEA to drink nothing but sweet tea all day.

I am now uncomfortably energetic, and have been so since about 9PM last night. I usually have a hard time waking up in the morning because I'd just like to sleep, but this morning my caffiene-charged body woke me up and insisted I get up. I still feel uncomfortably energetic.

Anyone have any idea how long this is going to last? Being uncomfortably energetic is nowhere near as guffaw-inducing as Power Thirst makes it seem.

...400 BABIES!!! *twitch*
Yeah. Been there.

When I was working fulltime, going to collage, and raising kids I had to regularly supplement my diet with No-Doze or Vivarin in order to study all night. It got to the point where I could take 2 Vivarin, and still fall asleep in a text book with a heartrate of about 150.
Oh yes. About twelve years ago or so, when Starbucks was first introducing frappucinos, they were giving away small cans of it on the street in Winston-Salem. They gave me a six-pack. Free! I drank five of them in the space of about thirteen hours. Shouldn't have had that last one, let me tell you... I had (and still have, really?) minimal caffeine tolerance, and that kept me up all night, freaking out and running around in circles and peeing every fifteen minutes. The only thing to do was wait for it to work out of my system, which with the amount I had took until 8 or 9am the next morning.
Anyone have any idea how long this is going to last?

Boo, sorry you're not feeling quite "right" today. :( I don't know how long the feeling's going to last, but as with any drug it depends on a number of things: weight, amount consumed, metabolism, etc. I think that drinking plenty of water will help!

~ Jen
As some of you may know, I don't drink caffiene or cola much at all. Usually the only time I get any caffiene is via chocolate, Exedrin, or the occasional sweet tea.

So when one almost never puts caffiene into one's body, it is an INCREDIBLY BAD IDEA to drink nothing but sweet tea all day.

I am now uncomfortably energetic, and have been so since about 9PM last night. I usually have a hard time waking up in the morning because I'd just like to sleep, but this morning my caffiene-charged body woke me up and insisted I get up. I still feel uncomfortably energetic.

Anyone have any idea how long this is going to last? Being uncomfortably energetic is nowhere near as guffaw-inducing as Power Thirst makes it seem.

...400 BABIES!!! *twitch*

Sheesh... ya spike ONE girl's sweet tea with methamphetamine, and this is what happens??? I'm never doing THAT again. :eek:
There is such a thing as to much caffiene? Just kidding, i guess my body has become immune to the effects somewhat. After years in the Army and going on numerous "camping trips"(field exercises) some in the dead of winter, and you wake up to the smell of that mess hall coffee, that is the sweetest smell in the world. The cooks make it by boiling water in a 30 gallon pot, and pouring a 5 lb can of coffee into it, and leting the grinds sink to the bottom, you talk about NO DOZE.

The hight you are feeling and the extra energy is just adrenline being stimulated by the caffiene, it will pass in about 12 hours.
yep, stick me in with the bunch that has had a bit of Caffiene OD...

I LOVE tea... There's a great loose tea store called Teavana and my mom got me this combo - Roobios Tropica and Jasmine Dragon Pearls.. You can get 3 - 4 uses out of a teaspoon of loose leaves/ flowers in about 6 - 8 oz of water, sitting for one minute (details for a reason!!)...

So my first time making it, totally and completely inexperienced - I put a teaspoon and a half in about 5 oz of watter and let it sit for almost 10 minutes... and I was at work... After about 5 mins of drinking it all, I was shaking, couldn't sit still and walked around the office for about 20 mins before I could stand to be in one place for any amount of time and I couldn't shut up (horrid femail trait)... it took me about 3 hours to come completely down... My co-workers were very thankful... :p

I have since mastered the amount and timing... I LOVE Teavana... it rules..
I'm completely immune to caffeine now. I can drink an energy drink, then coffee, then soda, then go to sleep.

I drink too much soda so my body's used to it I guess.
I OD on coffee as my drug of choice for stress and vision quests. That said, it just gives me the jitters, doesn't keep me up at all. I have reduced myself to 2 cups a day though, one in the morning and one in the afternoon (seriously, it's the only way I don't sleep all day).
I stopped feeling like an alien was going to burst out of my chest around noon on Friday. I'd like to think I learned my lesson. I'll at least eat something before I down an entire 32oz of sweet tea, next time.

@Nailz: I did. I was also awesome at sports. I ran so fast they thought I was Kenyan and I got deported back to Kenya.

@Boob: :lol:
I broke myself from the caffeine habbit about two years ago, and hopefully I'll never go back. I used to think I couldn't wake up without it, but that's a bunch of bull. If a person is able to get adequate rest, then you won't need caffeine. It basically just gave me the "jitters" all the time, which isn't a comfortable feeling. :erk:

I hate too much caffeine at one time. Just makes me skitsy. I can't drink coffee unless it's half caf or decaf. I can handle diet soda if I only drink one every couple hours or so...
I worked a night shift a few weeks ago, got up to go to my internship and managed to have three cups of coffee and three Mountain Dews over the course of the day on an empty stomach. I can't say I'd want to do it again.
I think for the last three weeks, the only caffeine I voluntarily consume is my morning coffee. Stopped the mid-day coffees, stopped the Mountain Dew and Coke, haven't had an energy drink or 5 Hour Energy.

Hopefully, the only time I'll need any caffeine is in my rum n cokes at the bars. At home, I've been stockpiling the caffeine-free Coke.
Just like with alcohol, a good meal and plenty of water always helps when consuming alot of caffeine. Having said that, yes I too have succumbed to the allure of the evil stimulant. It is truly an art to learn the proper balance.