have you thought about a video for Rexi Regi Rebellis

lt. Colonel Ragnar

Commander of the VRF
Jan 22, 2007
Belgrade, Maine
i was just thinking about fuckign great a music video for this song would look. and the thign with me is i love animation, i plan on becoming a part time animator. so i think in cartoon basicly. and the ideas i'm getting from just sitting here listening to this song are fucking awesome. you should really think about doing a music video for this song. and if you have already. .....great
*ahem ahem* Dirt-cheap semi-professional filming group of audiovisual students /w equipment for hire ;)
*ahem ahem* Dirt-cheap semi-professional filming group of audiovisual students /w equipment for hire ;)

nordi lives! *cheerio*! so lets make an örghish-video of RRR (nb: this means rex regis rebellis)!!! :p that would own!
well i'm already drawing up still frames for the animation video but its a hard process. i've not drawing in sometime so i'm constatly starting over on bits.

and if i did (which i intend on doing wheather i'm allowed to leagally or not (lol) would you actually consider it an offical video for it?
i'll also try to post some of the rough sketches soon.

now tell me.

what is the song initially about. i knwo its ..like a war song obviously thats the plot with most vikingmetal/battle metal bands. but whats the actual story behidn the song. what are the lyrics portraying. this way i can get a....close to acturate picture in my mind.
nordi lives! *cheerio*! so lets make an örghish-video of RRR (nb: this means rex regis rebellis)!!! :p that would own!

Hahah, seven minutes of fast-worward running :lol: But that video wasn't even made by me but some dude who's name I can't remember. I was only an innocent actor!
so... you like to have sweet sex with monkey's?

(I can understand where you are going with the four hands... but all the hair, really?)
i'll also try to post some of the rough sketches soon.

now tell me.

what is the song initially about. i knwo its ..like a war song obviously thats the plot with most vikingmetal/battle metal bands. but whats the actual story behidn the song. what are the lyrics portraying. this way i can get a....close to acturate picture in my mind.

It's all about the 30-year war during 1700's and tells the story of Hakkapelitans (a finnish light cavary unit in Sweden's army during those days). In the song there's even their warcry in finnish (Hakkaa päälle, Pohjan poika!!). In the swedish part there are a lot of places and enemy commander's names mentioned.
