Haven't been to active hear lately...

Man Marcus, is there anything you HAVEN'T done with Rufus? :D I bet you guys have .... sky dived while eating hamburgers and watching TV, all at the same time!

Great pics though, makes me jealous, seriously! Must be awesome to have a dog and do all those things with the lil' creature :)
Well he's from Spain and got rescued there from the German 'Tierschutz' (animal protection) He just had that name as we got him and we didn't change it.
His whole name is Juansito, which means little Juan. So I call him either Juan or Sito :)
All I can say is thank you ;) When I was in Berlin I felt really good seeing everyone caring for their pets ( unlike what I usually see here)
And Juan ( juanin, juanito, johnny) is soo beautiful man, take care of him :rock:
Man Marcus, is there anything you HAVEN'T done with Rufus? :D I bet you guys have .... sky dived while eating hamburgers and watching TV, all at the same time!

Great pics though, makes me jealous, seriously! Must be awesome to have a dog and do all those things with the lil' creature :)

Hahaha, yeah, he's definitely a faithful companion, always down for damn near anything! (though there are certain times where I shoo him out for some privacy, like for example if I'm perusing the infamous free plugins thread and get certain...urges :lol: )
Nice fucking pet guys!!

This is Nelson. Its mother is a Cairn Terrier... its father, nobody knows.
Even its appearance Nelson is a killing machine and also a barking machine when it's at home. It likes fighting against bigger dogs and be outside running, jumping, following cats, it has too much energy.



I have a cairn terrier also, fucking amazing dogs. really friendly dogs, full of energy. mines always yapping away disturbing my recordings!

i think mines quite a big one compared to most, definitely looks bigger than your pooch.
Man Marcus, is there anything you HAVEN'T done with Rufus? :D I bet you guys have .... sky dived while eating hamburgers and watching TV, all at the same time!

Great pics though, makes me jealous, seriously! Must be awesome to have a dog and do all those things with the lil' creature :)

I was expecting something kinky after the ...

You dissapoint :Smug:
I thought that too until I got her, she sits like that all the time around the house oO dunno wtf is wrong with her haha ^^ And yea marcus she only eats... and I mean... she only eats.
Seriously dude, you should restrict her diet - I swear, everytime I scroll over that pic I crack up and imagine her letting out a huge belch, she's kitty the hutt :lol: