haven't heard much hypocrisy...

Originally posted by The Wanderer
yea. that's good. dont get the newest one, whatever you do. or at least listen to it first.

Based on this the 10 years of... doesn't have much songs from the new one?
I have the 1st 2 Pain releases, it the new one more like them (or even worse?)?
and yeah, I don't have anything from Hypocrisy itself, but I guess you can pretty much tell what I like based on my profile.
I reccomend all the alien material...you cant go wrong with Abducted, Self Titled, The Final Chapter or The fourth dimension in my opinion. I like a lot of the songs on the new one...however, the style is a bit different, so try and see if you can listen to it prior to buying it, but i reccomend it.
I think I will get the 10 Years Of ... 2 CD pack, with 29 songs at 149 SEK you can't really go wrong, then I can sample quite a wide range of songs and concidering the other CDs except Catch 22 are 79SEK a piece I can get the ones I like (or all of them).

If I like them you can bet I will get it, hoping I will get my computer by the end of the month with a DVD.
I would say the best cd to start out with is Destroy Wacken. This gives you a better overview of Hypocrisy's material up to The Final Chapter (and some on the self-titled, with the studio songs on it). Why I do not recommend 10 Years is because I do not think that the remakes from The 4th Dimension are good. I say start with Destroy, & then move on to either Abducted or The Final Chapter. About everyone I know gets into Hypocrisy from the album The Final Chapter, & the song "Apocalypse" which appears on The 4th Dimension.
Well hmm i guess 10 years of chaos and confusion would be best for a newcomer coz they have 2 songs from each album up till into the abyss. Tho one remake sucked 4th dimesnion heh many seem to agree on that its because the keys bury the guitars too much thats my opinion. I own 10 years of chaos and confusion bought for one reason coz it was the limited edition where i get the rest in pain demo the 1st demo '91 and the 2nd demo from '92 plus turn the page and all the official vids 6 of em great package! the demo stuff is good death metal. I also have the DVD hypocrisy destroys wacken killer show!!! love it! i still don't have all their albums only 3 albums and the newest on my comp from the net.
I own all the albums (2 copies of every cd except Catch 22), the double lp (Into/Catch), the 200 pressing of The Final Chapter on blue vinyl, the 200 pressing of Abducted on clear vinyl, the s/t on black vinyl, several t-shirts, a couple promo photos, and some posters.
Well, I just ordered their newest one, Catch 22 I guess. Even if it does suck I'll keep buying their records because I KNOW they play some great music and I will find it on their albums. See, I just saw them play last week and they are probably the best act I've ever seen. So naturally I want to get their cd's now.
The compilation album is worth the purchase simply for the re-recording of "Penetralia" alone! Fuck, does it ever kill! The original version of the song is great as well, but the new version is amazing. There are actually 6 older songs that were re-recorded for it, and they sound pretty powerful. Definitely pick it up!