Having trouble meshing my bass and guitar Please Help!

Sep 19, 2006
Remixing a previous project for my friends band. I'm having trouble getting a heavier guitar tone while keeping the clarity and not turning everything to shit. I'm trying to find a sweet spot for the bass to sit and I can't seem to find it. Also I feel like the guitars have this weird mid that I want to take out but I can't pin point it. So all opinions would be helpful I thank everybody in advance.

Also I'm using superior and want to put a reverb on the snare and toms but for the life of me can't figure out how to get the Multi outs to work!! how do I set up S 3/4????? The search did me no good.

the bass is simply too bass heavy on long runs. I'd find a spot higher in the spectrum to fit it or cut a bit of its low end on long runs. I suggest mixing the vocals and the bass first and then mixing the rest in correlation to what you did, the guitars might just find their right spot.
thanks. the track is just a mix unmastered. Ive found I lose a lot of bass when mastering. but yeah ill definitely try that. Theres too much bass going through the sub I had a slide hipass around 60hz ill try to cut it out more see if that helps