HAVOC now available for streaming

great song, most noticable aspect for me is the much improved drum sound over the last couple cds, this is more organic and brutal sounding. just makes the whole track heavier. great job on the mix mr. finstad
Sorry, I just don't like this track. I can't even bring myself to listen to any post-Quintessence Borknagar these days, and this reeks of Vintersorgian melodrama. Enjoy the new album, guys.

I'll still listen to the new album when it comes out. But if the rest of it is like this track, it will likely be farewell, and thanks for being the band that got me into Black Metal.
I've heard it twice in a row... It's ok. Kind of a repetition, except for some ultra symphonic parts. Who knows what the album will have in store?
As i said in the other post...the sound is killer!!..right now i´ve listening with better quallity and sound massive!!..the drums sounds so "fat" and organic!!!..i love vintersorg growls!!....but the most amazing thing for me is the lars keyboards parts!
Yeah love the growls and the epic keyboard parts, I'm a sucker for symphonic stuff. Album should be goood.
I loved it. Definitely Borknagar, but different. Like the end parts with the instrument drop outs...I dig it. I'm not usually hooked on the first track right away, but I dug this from the start. Brutal as fuck! V's harsh vocals are the best he's done. His clean vocals are good, but melodically I wanted something better. Daves drums are very welcome, I am not disappointed at all! I'm finally glad to hear Tyr's bass ripping through every part. I didnt hear it in Empiricism as much. This album is going to be LOUD and HEAVY!!!
Awesome track. It does seem to have a little more in common with the old material, but with more modern touches. Nice job with the Hammond Organs, Lars!!! And a great job with the 8-stringed bass Tyr!! Pretty much everything about the song kicks ass. I look forward to the release.
Ok- Thanks for the input. I understand that this is a bit different than the Bork you are all familiar with seeing as the song is a bit more catchy and to the point, BUT I can assure you that this is only the 1st track. The feel of this track is supposed to be more of a BIG balls out dish of power and simplicity. As the album works on, it covers many different spectrums of feelings and emotions. The 2nd track, Reason, is completely different, feel wise, than HAVOC but still in the same sort of storm....musically, if you get what Im saying haha. Drum wise, HAVOC is more relaxed and straight forward from my end, where I did not want to completely jazz every single song up and make it complicated. I assure you that as the album progresses, there will be MANY different sounds and chapters uncovered....hahaha, just wait until you hear Reason..................................So, for those of you who enjoy it so far, I promise that once you have the full thing in your hands, and can read the lyrics along to the tunes, it will really leave a BIG impression on you....haha, the lyrics really make this album a WHOLE for me.


Ok- Thanks for the input. I understand that this is a bit different than the Bork you are all familiar with seeing as the song is a bit more catchy and to the point, BUT I can assure you that this is only the 1st track. The feel of this track is supposed to be more of a BIG balls out dish of power and simplicity. As the album works on, it covers many different spectrums of feelings and emotions. The 2nd track, Reason, is completely different, feel wise, than HAVOC but still in the same sort of storm....musically, if you get what Im saying haha. Drum wise, HAVOC is more relaxed and straight forward from my end, where I did not want to completely jazz every single song up and make it complicated. I assure you that as the album progresses, there will be MANY different sounds and chapters uncovered....hahaha, just wait until you hear Reason..................................So, for those of you who enjoy it so far, I promise that once you have the full thing in your hands, and can read the lyrics along to the tunes, it will really leave a BIG impression on you....haha, the lyrics really make this album a WHOLE for me.



:rock: Very glad to hear that. IMO, always a good idea to start with something more strainght forward and saving the better stuff for later
My thoughts: I like it! Nice and dirty and fast. And yes. The Mighty Hammond returns. I am pleased.

My coworker's thoughts: "They sound like Dimmu Borgir". To be fair, he really prefers metal that's slow with proggy rhythms, and that "do more with less and shit". (For instance, some of Týr's material.)
This track is great, it's definitely a grower. It's very progressive, with lots of parts (I do like prog Bork :) ). I really liked it, the drumming sounds excellent, as so does the bass, the vocals and the epic chorus. And the guitars and keyboards. Oh wait, that's everything :p . It does feel like Bork, yet somewhat different, which is obviously great.

I adore the changes from Black to clear vocals and vice-versa. I can't wait for the rest of the album!!!