

New Metal Member
Sep 4, 2002
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Hi i'm heading up from australia to hawaii in late november early december this year and I was just wondering if there are any metal gigs/stores i should check out while i'm there. any help would be appreciated thanks :)
I'm sorry to inform you, but we have no metal scene here. ( I assume you will be visiting Oahu). There are no concerts coming at the time you will be here, in fact, the last concert I went to (Testament) was years ago. The current trend here is bands that play cover songs from alternative/nu-metal artists. You will find these kinds of bands in all of our so-called "rock" clubs. We do not have metal stores unless you consider Hot Topic metal...it's more goth/nu-metal. You can try Hawaii's Natural High, but as you can tell by it's name it sells more than just shirts. It's located in Waikiki which is where I assume you will be staying.

One site that you might want to check out is www.slugrocks.com. Slug is a local band that plays some metal covers. There is a list of clubs you can check out, but I'm pretty sure there won't be any metal band playing. Gussie's is your best hope (located near the airport - we have only one airport). Wave Waikiki caters to the alternative/nu-metal crowd. You can also try Moose's in Waikiki, but be prepared to listen to Papa Roach, Incubus etc. covers...but if you like that stuff then great!

To sum things up we have no metal scene here. That scene died-out long ago in the 90's. All the decent metal bands we did have broke up long ago. Nobody tours here, and rightly so, because they wouldn't make any money. Someone huge like an Ozzy or Metallica could profit, but if Iced Earth came most people here would be like, "Who's Iced Earth?" So there ya go!

Damn, I thought this thread was about Marty's old band!;)

gosh, the scene seems to have disappeared since i left. it was pretty happening back in the early 80's.

let's see... there was hawaii, sacred rite, chaos or kaos (can't remember... a friend brian spalding's band).

can't say i miss it.
too much 'lolo lately - khaos (or kaos/chaos) later became aaronsrod!!! thanks for sparking my memory, scooter. i still have that 'illusions kill' album :lol:!

love it here... tho the scene was gettin' a bit too 'nu-metal' for my taste. luckily, we've had a HUGE resurgence of THRASH, thank god!
I still have my Sacred Rite albums! I used to think Mark was cute...sshh!...don't laugh!:p

I've read in various magazines about that resurgence...I heard alot of bands reunited for special concerts?? Is it true that Death Angel got back together? Act III is one of my fave CDs in my collection!

actually, i was more a part of the vixen/aloha/hawaii faction. sacred rite and hawaii were pretty dang competitive! i never owned anything by S.R..

yup, death angel is back together and doing shows! testament 'may' be taking vio-lence and exodus out for a westcoast mini-tour, tho it is NOT confirmed.

hmmm... i'm wondering if i actually know you??? i'll take a wild guess. are you from kaneohe? downtown? i'm assuming i didn't go to school with you. these are just guesses.
More of a hawaii fan eh? (just visited your website & your name rings a bell...everyone knew Marty was spoken for, back in the day;) ) Very cool site by the way!:)

I don't think we've met. I grad from/live in Mililani. Seemed like all the rockers came from the winward side, town, Salt Lake, Ewa Beach, Pearl City/Aiea...there was just a handful of us in Mililani!

I know this is just wishful thinking, but I hope that mini-tour makes it to this little rock! Testament were freaking awesome when I saw them at Gussie's!!!! Damn that was a good show!!!!

Well SF Bay sounds pretty happening! Hope that resurgence trickles down to the islands...soon!!

Scooter:) \m/ <------ the devil doing shaka!
that was a looong time ago, in my foolish youth. i like his old stuff, but i don't have much respect for MF and what he is doing these days. he should have never dissed metal, the music that made him rich and famous. i'm a TRUE metalhead - he never really was - more like a metal puppet!

HA! i *used* to live in mililani when i was in elementary school!

perhaps testament will play hawaii again in the future. we'll have to see.
You mean RED DYE #2 doesn't appeal to you?:loco:

This has been a trip! You even lived in Mililani haha! It's been fun talking stories with you!:) Nice to converse with someone who remembers the Hawaii 80's metal scene; not born in the 80's like so many here - ok, let's not go there:p

I know you're a busy lady so I'll wrap it up here! Cya around the boards!

Active? Not here. Seen 8mm/Machine several years ago...haven't heard them advertise any gigs since. And I'm sure Jack himself will tell you when local metal bands do play here there's not a huge audience for it. Sabbatar, a cover band, will attract a far larger audience than 8mm cause the scene here is about covers, nu-metal/alternative/ska etc. I'm not putting 8mm down, that's just the way the scene is here.

Well, they played on the islands in May 02 ...
and read my post again please, I said 'there are active metalheads', I didn't say the scene is so active that it shakes the islands & almost wake the volcanos .... but if you insist, np, let's forget Hawai!!!
1 to 2 gigs a year on this island is not active, in my opinion. (Ask Jack how many people showed up;) )

Hawaii was already forgotten about long before you interviewed 8mm so you're too late in saying that I am insisting we forget about Hawaii:p

Nevermore, Iced Earth, Testament, Control Denied...just to name a few.

Is there anybody you like in particular coming from the US?

Yes, many good albums from the USA scene, I wrote a list in 'fav'albums' but I can write it here too >

BURIAL - Enlightened With Pain
SUFFOCATION - Effigy of ....
METALLICA - Ride the Ligthning
DEICIDE - In Torment In Hell
MORBID ANGEL - Formulas Fatal...
BLACK FUNERAL - Moon Of Caracith
REHTAFRUO - Boiled In Goats Blood
ABAZAGORATH - Tenebrarus Cadent ....
SUMMON - No Thoughts ...
CYBORGASM - Built with Murder In Mind
AURORA BOREALIS - Time, Unveiled
NUNSLAUGHTER - Hells Unholy Fire
INQUISITION - Invoking ...

and tons more !!!
(Pessimist, Lunar Reign, Slayer, Cult of the Lizard God, Thornspawn ......)
Wow! There's quite a few names that I don't recognize from your list. Rehtafruo, Abazagorath, Forest of Impaled, Cyborgasm...

Just taking a wild guess based upon some of the band names/CD names (no sarcasm intended here), but do you ever get bored with all the satanic references/anti-christian references that some of these bands base their music upon? Or do I dare not ask that of someone with a site called DemonicHorde?:D

Well, I usually don't get 'bored' easily

but Christian & religious fanatics bore me most ....

Abazagorath: http://abazagorath.com/index2frame.html
RetahFruo: http://www.angelfire.com/fl4/rehtafruo/
Cyborgasm: http://www.extremescene.net/
Forest of Impaled: http://welcome.to/foi