HC/Metal thingy...


Giggity Geschmougen
Oct 31, 2007
What do you guys think about this mix. I think it's OK but i need some fresh ears opinions! Is it too dark? Does it have enough lowend?

Drums are all natural except the kick is 50% blended with slate and lasse kicks! The snare is 50% also...with Dan and 12a snare. Toms are not replaced.
Guitars are 5150->mesa OS->sm57
Bass sansamp pedal and Ampeg plugin for some bottom end.
Vox are Sm7 into Audient asp008

Tnx... :zzz:

I think it's great! Very big sounding. Only thing I can think of is maybe the vocals need a cut on low mids? They don't seem to be cutting through as well as they could be. But really well done.
Yeah man..you may be right about the vocals... i'll do that! Tnx for listening ;)
Those toms are great. I hear what decoy is saying. Might I add to bring the vocal level up, like 1.5dB or 3dB as well. Decoy's suggestion will help the vocals not get in the way of the palm mutes (they share emphasis notes), and bringing them up will help spatialize the mix as a mid point between the depth of the drum reverb and the forwardness of the dry guitars.