He touched her breasts..SLAP - "fuckin idiot" - in front of millions.


So who is she? I've really been digging that eyes-so-pale-blue-they're-almost-gray look lately. Zooey Deschanel... Michelle Trachtenberg... Alexis Bledel... Stains the Hypno-Mutt...




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I dunno, there's something I love about the smile, and her eyes are incredible - it's just an unconventional beauty that I'm really attracted to.

I got yer back on Anne Hathaway, man. It's the imperfections that make a girl interesting (no Barbies for me), and A.H. is a great example. Any of her facial features when taken individually would seem waaaay too fucking big on any other head. Eyes, nose, lips, teeth, ears... honkers, all. But put 'em together and they work. Do they ever.
Haha, well besides Anne Hathaway, I'm not too picky, honestly - I don't like overly skinny chicks though, I really like 'em with some meat on 'em (relatively speaking of course, and "meat" is not to be confused with "fat" :D)
Seconded. My best friend is all about girls so slender you can see their ribcages, but I find that look replusive. Like layin' on a pile of elbows. :Puke:
To bring this thread back around, and continue the trend of slapping:

For those who haven't seen it, it is basically a tv show where these people get bullied by some "bitches" or something, and the point is to stand up to them and not give in to their taunts. Obviously, someone didn't read the rule-sheet before playing...
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