
What's your gig style?

  • I love to mosh and have a good time right up front in the atmosphere.

    Votes: 22 41.5%
  • I mostly just watch but occasionally I’ll jump in the pit too.

    Votes: 14 26.4%
  • I like to watch from the crowd but I don’t mosh.

    Votes: 8 15.1%
  • I like to watch from a comfortable position.

    Votes: 6 11.3%
  • I like to watch from a comfortable position and think moshing is stupid.

    Votes: 3 5.7%
  • No idea who’s playing I’m just here for the beer and to catch up with people.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Right, when I say "mosh" in the poll I meant Headbanging till your shoulders ache and you can feel every bass beat echoing inside your skull, or just bouncing your head up and down whatever, not bouncing around punching the people closest to you and generally ruining the gig for all others. Just to clear that up.

So what would you rather do?
Just out of interest if you could post your age, what you voted for and (if you can be bothered) why would be killer.
Generally curious as to how many people would go to a venue with more focus on comfortable seating or more sociable standing areas rather then just the moshpit, open space and a bar. And also how many people prefer or enjoy being in the moshpit, "moshing" and/or how many think it's dull or stupid.

well, for me pits are useless but i respect people in tem as long as they respect me watching the gig, i do not position myself where pits are assumed to be so i dont expect guys falling from the sky over my head as i have already suferred, or cutting my face with glass as i have already suffered or serious damages on the neck...if anyone feels like breaking their bones fine for me as long as they do not break mine.

i normally stand as close as to front row as i can but never arrive early to catch first one center so, normally is first on left side..regarding bar, well, i always take the drinks with me till that position and suffer from thirstiness most of the gig because once it´s on if you miss your place you will not return...then i drink when it´s over.

things are different on festivales and at open air spaces,but normally at venues is as stated above.

For the records I´m a 27 girl

And honestly, i cant stand the girls and boys who stand in front rows taking pictures all the time and looking annoyed if you move them..what the fuck!!!and the rate has alarmingly increased since digi cams appeared,i dont get it...
i'm 33, 6'2", 230# and usually one of the bigger guys in the pit. i had a job where for 7 years or so i used to run up and down 25-30 flights of steps a day and i've got some pretty ridiculous legs. once i plant my feet i don't move lol. i usually set myself up on the back rim of the pit where i have a real nice view of the stage and everything. if some dumbass gets in there and starts throwing elbows or something, i can hop right in and deliver a hip check that will stop them dead in their tracks. and once the pit dies down like it always does, i jump into the middle of it and start the pogo action if the song has a good groove. works great at hippie rock shows, i've gotten a couple bands to start hopping on stage and stuff, but at metal shows there's always a douchebag that will take a running shot at my back when i'm up in the air.
I go to a show to watch the band(s) i came to see, but depending on the song i love to go crazy in the moshpit. Although last time i did that i broke my middle finger and and my nose. My nose was swolen for weeks and there was blood all over my Soilwork shirt :(
Well, I'm 30, about the same size as Axhed there, I love to throw down but don't do it all the time any more. A couple of months in a wheelchair taught me to be a wee bit more cautious about things hitting me in the knees, namely short people. But if the music and the mood takes me, I'm all in. I've had my nose broken a few times, dislocated both my shoulders once, but it's fun like nothing else... it's kinda like being in a melee when everyone is on your side.
what kind of a poll is this? you put headbanging but all the choices are about moshing?
You gonna tell me there's a difference? As far as I know when you get in a moshpit you fucken headbang haha. Moshing isn't just bouncing up and down doin the pogo thing axhed mentioned. :p
Tbh I hate that. Bouncing up and down on the spot. Makes me feel like a total tool. But I still can't help doing it whenever I get really excited about a song. :lol:

Ok well I'm 21 and since I started going to gigs it's been all about the mosh whether it's just me banging or 2000. But I guess from the looks of it so far that's not so common haha. Bummer.
Maybe I'll just have to wait and mellow out as the years go by...:rolleyes:
Moshing and headbanging are two totally different things...
Metal doesn't make me violent like some retards so I tend to stay out of the pit, but I love me some headbanging!
You gonna tell me there's a difference? As far as I know when you get in a moshpit you fucken headbang haha.

Yeah sorry to break it to you but headbanging and moshing are totally opposite and usually people who headbang hate having some drunk asshole or some young 20 yo high on testosterone, push everyone around in their moshpit.
And if you headbang in a moshpit then all props to you. I would be suprised to see anyone stand alone headbanging in the middle of a mosh pit.

I never liked moshing and 1/2 the time it is just an exuse for cheap shoting anyone standing around the pit. I prefer to stand by myself or with others and headbang witha beer in my hand.
There has to be something about turning up to work the following morning with a sprained neck and the biggest grin on your face. When the boss asks why you are in this shape, you can honestly say I don't know and can't remember, and smile back at them.

After that show, my wife refused to let me goto Megadeth when they first come down under. And I still kick myself for ending up with that neck brace. Still humors me though, I don't know what was worse, having that thing on for a month, missing the show, or letting my ex-mrs remind me everytime I brought up going to a show :ill:

Well as I get older, 36 now, it depends on how I feel, where I'm standing and all. There is definately softhing special about a group of you and your mates head banging in unison. Then afterwards trying to sooth the throat with a coldie.

When AA start to play "Fate of the Norns" I cannot guarantee what I'll do :rock:

But I ain't got the fitness of my teens left in me, I got it all out of my system before I was 25. Now that I push a pen all day, my pointer finger does all the banging and probably the fittest part of my body.

I am still skinny, just one of those lucky fucks that cannot put on weight, and that white I glow in the dark. It's downright embarrassing at times, but hey, I'm not dead yet so I'll just do my best at the time and make the most of it. :rock::rock:
Tha's exactly what I meant. I just hope they let me in the front door cause I think I'll be shitfaced and will probably end up on the floor.

Nothing better than being asked, "How was your weekend?" And your reply with, "Fucking awesome, I got shit faced, stomped all over cause I passed out on the floor at {insert show}". Their faces are always the same, I don't think they've ever been allowed out for a good time or some shit.

Fuck, the best shows are the ones you barely remember if at all, you can always get it on DVD these days so at least you have something to watch:zombie:

Man it's crazy thinking back how many gigs I remember being at, where I remember headbanging, drinking, laughing and if you asked me to remember what the band looked like while they were playing I wouldn't be able to tell you a godamn thing other then possibly how awesome it was getting to watch a certain someone finally play that solo where I can watch their fingers move. Haha.
I enjoyed the gigs immensely and it was great, but I'm seriously starting to think that maybe that's a MASSIVE waste of time and cash if I can't remember anything about them actually playing right in front of me. Might as well go to a backyard party and headbang shitfaced to it there on the soundsystem.

I always imagine something like mongolian seats, just rows of cushions in a layered arena style. If you fall over, pushed, faint (from the excitment), or just plain pass out, you can still walk away when the security is asking you to please leave at dawn:lol: At worst, when you wanna join in again you can just stage jump into the arena. Nothing like flying if you ask me.

I reckon we need an AA show where the have the stage as a big ship, and one of those wave generator things, where we all feel like we are getting hit with a freak wave of water (insert Mead) or something. Now that would be a show to remember.

Then again after looking at this shit I just wrote, fuck I need to get out more or AA needs to tour here more often.

If you open you're own place, what would you call it. Nothing like focusing on a dream, they DO COME TRUE?

Tbh I've been thinking about opening a venue of sorts for about two years now. Hence my interest in knowing what everyone goes to a gig for. That and I find myself wondering how long it's going to be before I'm sitting in the sidelines watching other enthusiasts go nuts for me. :lol:
And I'm not telling the name it's embarrassing having a name when the place doesn't exist yet hahaha. It's gonna take me a good 5-10years to get it going though anyway. By then this conversation will have long been forgotten :D

Holy fuck AA on a boat with waves of mead. If WOA were looking for something to make their shows that little bit bigger THAT WAS IT! Hahaha dude I wish I was a billionaire and could set that up. Better yet where the fuck is Bam Margera when you need him... :kickass:

Wtf ok. So Headbanging-Moshing two different things. Basically when I said mosh I mean being in the moshpit doing your thing. IMO that's headbanging, but I guess that can also include what you guys tell me is the term for "moshing". I'll change the first post. For now that option can just include both. But I have never and am not about to start calling people who thrash about violently with no association to the music and who most of the time are just a pain in the ass, moshers.

Love to know why it's called a moshpit then when most people headbang and the majority of people can't stand "moshing". Sure there's some people who do the whole-open up a circle-wave your arms around-make a fool of yourself and hurt the ppl around you while you're doing it-thing, but they've been given the title name from the pit? Lame. Uberlame. They're not there for the spirit of it they're just retarded! Shouldn't even have a name for it. I should start bringing tranquilizers to gigs. Someone starts being a dick just jab them. Pack em off to the hardcore gigs to thrash around to their heart's content.*sigh* One day. :rolleyes:
Moshing and moshing are two (if that ain't a nice bastardisation, bringing dutch phrases to the english language). I'd even say three or four... I'll usually do a bit of everything. Watch the band perform, then pack my glasses away, start headbanging, and when the mood is right, throw myself in the pit to get throw around like a ragdoll (I weigh just under 180 lbs). You can have a lot of fun in a moshpit, if you come to the moshpit to have fun, not to hurt people.
I love going to shows drunk, it releives my anxiety of being around a large group of people. The downside is I have to piss really bad but I don't want to give up my spot at the front.
I'm a normal guy in height (maybe a little taller), and I'm everything but a muscle man, I actualy weight 60kg xD. Anyway, that doesn't stops me, if you ever search for me in a show, you'll sure fine me in the moshpit or headbanging somewhere near :D