
What's your gig style?

  • I love to mosh and have a good time right up front in the atmosphere.

    Votes: 22 41.5%
  • I mostly just watch but occasionally I’ll jump in the pit too.

    Votes: 14 26.4%
  • I like to watch from the crowd but I don’t mosh.

    Votes: 8 15.1%
  • I like to watch from a comfortable position.

    Votes: 6 11.3%
  • I like to watch from a comfortable position and think moshing is stupid.

    Votes: 3 5.7%
  • No idea who’s playing I’m just here for the beer and to catch up with people.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
moshing and headbanging in australia must have be totally different than anywhere else in the world, anyhow, moshing is for fools as I've mentioned before, bouncing/walking around and banging is what we should be seeing at all AA shows, here is some banging to AA some years back at the "Fire in the Woods" series by the self proclaimed headbanging expert himself


I love being right up front, head banging and being close to the bands! Oh hell yes. Just yesterday I was at a concert and I banged my head so hard that today, I couldn't look from side to side! :rock:

Moshing really, really pisses me off some times. But I can tolerate it more than hardcore dancing. WTF is with that?!
Headbanging as far up front as I can haul my ass

Now and then I do like throwing myself into the moshpit and let myself get thrashed around though, fun stuff
I always go up front and headbang till it hurts. I also sing along when I can. Which sucks, because you get really,really thirsty...
As my mate says: "You are a crazy motherfucker."

That is because I believe you cannot fully appreciate a gig if you do not get into the mosh pit because I believe that you never know how long it will be til you see the band again so I take every chance to get right up front of the pit and go crazy til I nearly collapse! I love doing windmills! :rock:

I also love the feeling of a tense neck and major ringing in your ears the following day after the gig, because for me it reminds me of how brutal the gig was!! :rock:

Does that make me weird? Haha.

windmilling in a moshpit? You probably are crazy, thats like asking for a concussion...at least in the pits over here, I swear we have people roiding up for gigs.
I love getting up as close as I can and then headbanging. I have a love hate thing with moshpits because whenever I'm in the front people keep puching against me until it feels like I'm going to pass out which makes it really uncomfortable. I the other hand sometimes I just laugh my ass off when the whole croud is moving due to the mosh pit. I also love that feeling the next day when my neck is sore as hell and every little movement hurts, but I hate ringing in my ears, so I try to use earplugs as much as I can.