
Looking at bands touring again:
REDEMPTION / FATES WARNING (hmmm, seeing R.A. Twice!! would be really nice!)
or a German combination? VANDEN PLAS and DREAMSCAPE??
Sabaton is good fun, you just need to appreciate its cheesiness.

Sabaton is about as fun as inhaling Sarin gas, and now I have to apologize to the Sarin gas.

Come on, if those guys were actually decent musicians, and didn't take themselves seriously. If Sabaton can come, so can Steel Panther.
hahaha, nice discussion about Sabaton. But they won't be booked, we just don't like that kind of music. I have never seen them live and some people told me you have to experience them at least once. But I have already experienced Dragonforce and I think that is the limit for me :goggly:

hahaha, nice discussion about Sabaton. But they won't be booked, we just don't like that kind of music. I have never seen them live and some people told me you have to experience them at least once. But I have already experienced Dragonforce and I think that is the limit for me :goggly:


Much as i like Sabaton, i don't think they belong at PP Europe, as they are just another powermetalband. Nothing progressive about them.
Judging by last years line-up te USA edition should have changed its name to Powermetal USA...
Agreed, have you seen this year? Kamelot, Hammerfall (of all things not prog) Leaves eyes, Tarot, Delain, Stormwarrior.

At least they have seventh wonder to make up for some of the choices.
Much as i like Sabaton, i don't think they belong at PP Europe, as they are just another powermetalband. Nothing progressive about them.
Judging by last years line-up te USA edition should have changed its name to Powermetal USA...

Interesting Sabaton debate going on here! Saw them once before, in December last year, didn't expect too much, but their live show was totally awesome. Great musicians who had a lot of fun onstage. Incredibly nice guys too. I interviewed Joakim before the gig and asked him about the power/prog thing, read it halfway down the 2nd page of the interview here - www.metal-discovery.com/Interviews/sabaton_interview_2009_pt2.htm