Headphone amp?

Jun 25, 2008
After my other thread on headphones vs. monitors, i've decided to go with a set of AKG K701 headphones mainly because i'm so very close to the neighbours and i'm 99% sure they don't want to listen to my industrial tinkerings :lol:

From what i've read though, it seems to be a fair consensus that with headphones of a reasonable quality, it is a good idea to get a dedicated amp for them as opposed to the crap that is usually used in laptops/ipods/probably my Pod X3L too. So, does anyone have any suggestions? I'm not too sure how much i'll have to spend, but i don't need something horrendously pricey yet.

I tried searching this time too, but couldn't find anything that really answered my question :loco:

Thanks a bunch, guys.
The only interface i have is the Pod at this point, didn't think the headphone output would be of a good enough quality... Sorry for the n00bishness :(
to be honest itll be fine unless you want to spend at least 5/600+ plus solely on a monitor controller thats half decent
Oh rad. It sucks trying to find this kind of stuff on the net, there's no real way to get a comparison between what i would be using (the pod) and what i could use instead. The budget definitely won't stretch the extra $500 or so though, so i'm pleased at that :D :lol:

Thanks for the help though Greyskull, it's much appreciated.
bumping old thread and instead of making new. So how are you guys running your headphones nowadays? Dedicated amps or just relaying on interfaces etc. headphone outs?

I just ordered couple expensive headphones to test and seems that the consensus over the internet leans on always running headphones with dedicated, external amp to get the best performance and detail. So probably looking for these next..

Interesting, I really want to know how much of a quality difference there is between, say, laptop or computer Line/Headphone Out compared to using an interface headphone out or headphone amp.
I use the headphones for a long time as "workhorses" for guitar and mixing practice, connected with m-audio fast track soundcard and external tube amp near $200 . I also had a zoomG7, then I switched to using AxeFx. Comparing the headphone outputs of fast track and G7, there is no a much difference between these devices. But when using the amplifier all starting to sound completely differently. Tone acquires big warmth and depth. the AxeFx Headphone output on is more accurate, clean, focused and surround sound than fasttrack, but it does not add to the sound of life, as it the amplifier does. The headphones, Which I use, have a low (32 ohm) impedance, and given the fact that the tube headphone amplifiers works best with headphones with high impedance, the amplifier is justified itself.