Headphone mix


Jun 3, 2010
So here is a mix of a tune from my old band. Drums are DFH (yeah i know....dated), bass is a guitar dropped an octave. Gimme a break, I'm poor so my resources are limited. A few guitar flubs here and there but I didn't feel much like going back and re-recording them. I don't think it necessarily sucks but I'd be curious to know what you guys think.

The whole thing seems a little mid heavy. the guitars kind of mask a lot.
try bringing up the drums in the mix a bit more and make sure the bass tone is cutting through in the mix.
but that's just what I'm hearing threw these speakers.
I may have overcompensated because in my first mix, the guitars were buried. Trying to find that happy medium.

Thanks for the tip though. I'll try bringing up the drums.