Headphones for mixing/tracking/editing


Prettiest Hair Around
Oct 31, 2006
I'm looking for headphones that I can use for all music applications. Something for late at night when I can't make any noise but want to record and do a little mixing. I'd also use them for listening to music/videos as well. Are the ATH M50X's good? I really can't spend more than around $150 for them. I still of course am going to use my monitors for serious mixing but would like something at night for recording my ideas and playing guitar.
Please search.. this has been discussed so many times.

Sony 7506, Sennheiser HD280, ATH-M50's are the go-to standards. I own all of them for different applications (ie. tracking, mixing, live sound, editing, etc.) and any of them can crossover into any other. All excellent all rounders.
I wouldn't mix with headphones if you can avoid it. Decent studio monitors and good pc speakers, home theater, or car stereo are your best bet from my experience.
Well...what ever you do end up buying you will need some time getting used to how they sound even if they are the best .
I only have two sets , "Victor HP-DX1" which sound bright and punchy (I use these because they make music I love sound in my face ) and "Beyer dynamic DT150" which sound unflattering (basically they make all music sound average) because they influence my mixing in a positive way , I find my self cutting the subs and paying careful attention to the mids and upper treble when using those . After mixing I find my car stereo (which is bog standard) shows up dominant frequencies .
Any phones that are flattish accross 20-20'000hrtz will cause you to wince at first .
thats interesting to hear that your car stereo shows up dominant frequencies. I noticed the same thing.