best headphones for live mixing


Brian K
Oct 3, 2006
Columbus, OH
hey guys--i'm looking for a good pair of studio quality headphones to use when i'm mixing and want to solo out channels to the 'phones. i'm looking to spend about $100. any suggestions you could throw my way would be greatly appreciated :rock:
Do you mean live as in LIVE, like in a venue? I love my Sony mdr-7506's for spot checking stuff, but never really trust the cans for actual mixing.
I dont use headphones live for anything other than line checking. Ive yet to find a set of cans that sound anything like a PA so have never seen much point when I see people doing whole live shows on headphones
I've seen it done at the congress theatre and that place always sounds like shit. Opeth, Arch Enemy, Megadeth, Nine Inch Nails all sounded like shit there. Actually NIN sounded like shit for one song and then there was some sort of argument and a 20 minute intermission. Then the band came back on and sounded phenomenal. Not sure what happened exactly
with his "new muscles" , trent prolly beat the crap out of somebody and fixed it himself :D
i like the idea but i think it was before he got totally jacked. It's weird seeing him like that though, he seems to be preparing for the revolution
Well, that's interesting. It would totally make sense from a hearing protection point of view (if the cans have proper isolation) but i haeven't seen it around here and never even thought of beeing the first one to do it in order not to get laughed at...
normaly i even dont plug my headphones into the desk... but i use ath m40fs by audiotechnica (studio and live, i really like them). i use them only for checking signals, becaus you cant mix live with headphones actually because theres no headphone that sounds like a pa :) and you dont hear the room reverb and the direct sonic comming from stage, wich you have to work with.. also you get phase interference causing by the ways the sonic needs to travel. (from the pa to you ear)
normaly i even dont plug my headphones into the desk... but i use ath m40fs by audiotechnica (studio and live, i really like them). i use them only for checking signals, becaus you cant mix live with headphones actually because theres no headphone that sounds like a pa :) and you dont here the room reverb and the direct sonic comming from stage, wich you have to work with.. also you get phase interference because of the ways the sonic needs to travel.

right that's what i meant. for line checks and such. bad choice of words on my part. thanks for your suggestions guys!
Well if you're just checking lines, why do they need to be so good? Anything that makes noise and doesn't break :-) I've had a pair of AKGs that cost about £20 for years and they're killer for that kinda thing! Good luck man.
Headphones are good for communication with the monitor dude when the flashlight language isn't working. Besides that, fahgeddaboutit.