Headway 2004 Festival


Henri Serton
Staff member
Aug 31, 2001
Eindhoven; Rockcity!
All I can say is Wow!!

Day one:

Textures, Death Machine and Watchtower were the highlights of day one.
I had to miss Watchtower but I heard they set the place on fire.

Textures were great but Death Machine slayed!! There were a lot of people afterwards complaining about the bad mix during the DM concert.

Anyway day two:

Can you say Biomechanical? The energy oozed of the stage. They simply blew me away! If you like their album you gonna love their live shows.

Ephel Duath did nothing for me, but maybe I am stupid..? I was disappointed.

Ice Age were good. I liked some of the new songs. I remember one I did not like. But I was already anticipating the upcoming Sieges Even performance. So I could not concentrate well on the IA show.

Sieges Even.

Highlight of the festival for me. Among the best 3 concerts I ever saw. Incredible. Focused, technical and still emotional. The new singer Arno Menses fits the band like a glove. A great singer with a big reach and articulate in expressing the emotion the music needs. I was very impressed with all the members. I could see Alex enjoying himself immensely behind his drumkit. Playing the most complicated drumparts I ever heard with a cigarette in his mouth!!! Thanks for the drumstick dude!

Oliver also smiled and walked around like a happy camper. He looked very relaxed like enjoying a walk in the park. Markus was very focused. I could see however he enjoyed the crowd participation. I expected a lot and got [Sieges] Even more. Before the concert I got to talk with Arno and Markus and shortly with Alex. They were very friendly and it was nice to meet them at last.

I have waited years to see them live. I have not been disappointed.
The band played 2 hours and got 3 encores. They RULED! I am happy now. I have seen Sieges Even. :worship: