Well i don't know how to describe our stuff but it's very rough and dosen't sounds like anything you ever heard, those's 2 songs are old (1999-2000), not tight and recorded on a rehearsal but that's all i got for now, we want to record as soon as i'm in shape, i have a tenditinis at my right arm =\
Ordalie is the best one to get of these's 2 IMO.. Résurgences gets very good after a min, i don't like the 1st riff ehehe..
but my other band album (VENEFICIUM) is almost complete so we should release it soon, it's extreme black metal, i don't like it as much as Esker cause it lacks a little originality, but it will be fast, violent and very symphonic with layers and layers of orchestra keyboards....
P.S.: Sorry for my english, i'm french and i'm too lazy right now to make nice sentences ;D
Ordalie is the best one to get of these's 2 IMO.. Résurgences gets very good after a min, i don't like the 1st riff ehehe..
but my other band album (VENEFICIUM) is almost complete so we should release it soon, it's extreme black metal, i don't like it as much as Esker cause it lacks a little originality, but it will be fast, violent and very symphonic with layers and layers of orchestra keyboards....
P.S.: Sorry for my english, i'm french and i'm too lazy right now to make nice sentences ;D