Hear n Aid / Who was the standout Guitarist?


Dec 18, 2004
Who recalls Hear N Aid? Looking back, who was the standout lead guitarist?

I think Gillis, Lynch, and Malmsteen killed with a honerable mention going to Schon.

Gotta love the SPINAL TAP part about Malmsteen.

Also, they should have used Shortino more on vox!
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Shortino is one of those immensely talented vocalists who always gets left out of the conversation. However, if anything, Shortino got more than his share of lines, given the relative star power he brought to the party.

Tate & Shortino were the two who impressed me most when I first saw this back in the day, as well as Malmsteen.

Shortino is one of those immensely talented vocalists who always gets left out of the conversation. However, if anything, Shortino got more than his share of lines, given the relative star power he brought to the party.

Tate & Shortino were the two who impressed me most when I first saw this back in the day, as well as Malmsteen.


He has a new album coming out next year - http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/BlabberMouth.Net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=106765
I think Yngwie totally outclasses all other guitarists on this thing as far as technical skill goes. There were some pretty sweet solos, don't get me wrong, but he's the one that's not sloppy, no extra noise, and fucking nails it. A matter of opinion on whether or not that's best. From watching that video, I also really liked the bit with Adrian and Dave from Maiden. I will never ever get tired of hearing Maiden do guitar solos in harmony...ever.
I personally thought Lynch ruled the solo section with Yngwie right there as well. Schon did a great job and I remember that I did a WTF when I heard him shred on that back in the day....

Shortino is one of those immensely talented vocalists who always gets left out of the conversation. However, if anything, Shortino got more than his share of lines, given the relative star power he brought to the party.

Tate & Shortino were the two who impressed me most when I first saw this back in the day, as well as Malmsteen.


Shortino was way better than most at the party but was not a "star" like most at the party. Tate was for sure the stand out vocally with Halford turning in some good work. Dave from Y&T turned in some good stuff as I recall. Shortino was way better than the likes of kevin dubrow.
There were two key guitarist that were left out of this mix...Jake E Lee and Criss Oliva! Those two boys would've taken all of em' to school! :)

BTW, I do have to say that both Schon and Gillis were impressive. As bad as I hate to admit it, Malmsteen came across as the cleanest sounding though.

I've never seen that little video - it was cool hearing some sections of solos that didn't make the final.

I am surprised that folks were surprised by Schon though. I think he is one of the best guitarists out there in rock - originality, shredding, phrasing, and just flat out kicking it! He's done so many bands (and solo projects), that I think he's shown he can hang with the best of them across multiple genres...
Malmsteen & Lynch for me. Mostly because they were the only two that I could easily recognize on the cassette tape that I had of the album. I only saw the actual video once when it was originally played in 1986.

It wasn't until I got the Hear N Aid VHS that I saw all of the other guitarists :)
Shortino is well respected here on this forum, as well as the mighty Ray Gillen.


Ahh see, this is the first time I've ever seen him mentioned here. Not that he's never been discussed before, I just never saw it. Nice to see him being brought up; Rough Cutt was one of my fave bands waaaaaaaay back in the day.
I personally thought Lynch ruled the solo section with Yngwie right there as well. Schon did a great job and I remember that I did a WTF when I heard him shred on that back in the day....


Bear is all over this. Schon had an eye opening performance.:headbang:

Shortino was way better than most at the party but was not a "star" like most at the party. Tate was for sure the stand out vocally with Halford turning in some good work. Dave from Y&T turned in some good stuff as I recall. Shortino was way better than the likes of kevin dubrow.
Tate then Meniketti (totally underrated talent).:worship: