Heath Ledger..Dead

Yeah, you know, it used to be the rock stars that died young. But since there are no more rock stars...
Seems it was an accident too! Not drug abuse - rather wrong prescription of some sort.

Still - feel for his daugther and family.
I feel for anybody who dies at the age of 28, but let me ask you why all the fucking papers had 3 or 4 pages dedicated to an average actor's death, when Bobby Fisher got only a little square in the bottom corner?
I feel for anybody who dies at the age of 28, but let me ask you why all the fucking papers had 3 or 4 pages dedicated to an average actor's death, when Bobby Fisher got only a little square in the bottom corner?

Preach on brother!! How come actors/actresses/models/sportsmen have such a rancid grip on the mind of America (the media that is)?? I never could figure that one out....oh wait a second....do you think the media tells these stories to keep our minds off what's important (the war, the looming recession, the neanderthal running the country)?

Watch "Network"; for being 30+ years old that movie still makes a load of sense. It still rings true today. The "Man" wants to keep us all fat, happy and dumb sheep.

Keep on drinking Blatz and your brainpower will grow exponentially.:puke:
Kind of interesting..10 more days to figure out what happened.

Gonna be weird watching him as the joker..hope he does an awesome job:)
I read about this yesterday on the internet. It really shocked me! I was like, "Nah, It can't be THAT heath Ledger, there must be some other Heath Ledger, some old guy..." But no, it was who I thought it was. Even though I haven't watched a lot of movies with him or anything it still feels so weird to me that he's dead...

I read about this yesterday on the internet. It really shocked me! I was like, "Nah, It can't be THAT heath Ledger, there must be some other Heath Ledger, some old guy..."

So, you know a lot of guys named Heath Ledger?:lol:
not a movie buff or a big fan iof his but anyone worth shit in the industry praises the heck outta him,i think batman will be the best movie of the whole lot,probably be remembered as his best performance,as far as media coverage its all about what people want that fills the papers,heath just happened top be on the verge of the biggest breakthru of his career,of course its goin to sell a shitload of papers if it has wall to wall stories about it!

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