Heathen albums for free d/l


Dec 9, 2003
This may be old news, but I just got this email:

Reunited San Francisco Bay Area thrashers HEATHEN have made their
entire "Breaking the Silence"
(1987) and "Victims of Deception" (1989) albums available for free
download in the media section
via their new official web site www.heathenmetal.com

HEATHEN new CD, "Recovered" OUT NOW!

Check out the new Heathen forum!

Get your free personal email (yourname@heathenmetal.com if you sign up.

More info at www.heathenmetal.com

I had Breaking the Silence in high school and remember thinking it was decent. Don't know if I'd still like them. I'll find out when I get home.
IOfTheStorm said:
downloading albums is gay
Yeah but when the band offers it, I think it kicks ass.

This is new news to me, I guess I missed the original memo, so thanks! :loco:
^^ It has quite seriously moved into my top ten thrash albums EVAR since I discovered it (just last year in fact). The guitar work, the drumming, it all just melds together perfectly.