Heathen Circle - Releases, updates etc.

Heathen Circle

New Metal Member
Jan 10, 2008
Regards from Heathen Circle

Heathen Circle is community of proud heathen bands, labels, zines and individuals be it metal, rock, RAC, folk, ambient etc. We fight for our ancestry and traditional values. We stand against false pagan bands, and from satanic influence on heathen music. We are also against wicca religious system. We spread our message through compilations, splits, flyers and other. We are here to support all those who wish to spread the voice of heathen heritage. We deal only with persons of Pan-Aryan religions.
To join our community you need to go to our official site and to fill the form (membership section). In the form there is part of motivation and ideals, in which you write what paganism represents to you and why do you wish to join us. If we are pleased with the answer, you will be contacted.
We are not interested in people who wish to join us just so they could be in organization, so they could show of to their friends. We are interested in people who understand true values of pagan creed and are willing to fight for their heritage.

Detailed information at: www.heathen-circle.org

Latest releases from our labels and bands for ordering and pre-order:

Fjörd - Vinlandic Northern Heritage
Pure traditional Norse Folk-Metal from Northern Vinland. Capturing the epic atmosphere of long gone acts such as Isengard, Storm, Otyg and Bathory. Promoting the Wotanic Aryan warrior spirit and heritage."
Available from Oaken Table rec.

Sample: http://www.heathen-circle.org/database/Fjord - The Calling.mp3
Contact: www.fjord14.cjb.net
Ghost Kommand #2
52 A4 xeroxed pages with great quality written in English, Featuring interviews with: REVAGE (Por), NARGASH (Por), CRIPTA OCULTA (Por), WOTANORDEN (Usa), ASKA (Swe), LEACHIM (Gre), DOLENTIA(Por) , FJORD (Can), WALDVATER (usa), HYPOTHERMIA (Swe), DECAYED (Por), SOLA SVARTNAR (Can), BOSQUE PAGÃO (Bra), DROWNING THE LIGHT (Austl), HRIZG (Spa), PCYST (Usa), NORD (Can).
A few reviews, an article about the Sumerians & a fucking great devotion of all the involved…

Contact: www.heathen-circle.org/sword
Releases from Racheschwur for order and pre-order:
RSR 008 Frost / Pagan Hammer Split MC limited to 100
The Split of these two hordes from Canada and the US is some of the finest underground production which can be found. Frost plays epic and powerful black metal with a unique style. Pagan Hammer brings you a pagan black metal masterpiece with cold and very mysterious ambient. This release comes with a logo button of each band!
RSR 009 Jäger - Call of the Wolf Demo MC limited to 150
This band from Chicago, USA sets a furious debut with Call of the Wolf. Very simple and raw riffs combined with Tony Wolf’s grim voice brings you into the esoteric world of Jäger.
RSR 010 Ritualmord / P.V.D. Split MC limited to 100
Very raw and ugly underground black metal which won’t be liked by most of today’s scene. This is the first split of this Austrian underground act and the frist work under their new name by th formerly Worg from the US.
RSR 012 Hasskrieg & Asenheim Split MC limited to 200
Ewiger Winter and Tiwaz did not a usual split, all the songs are from both bands where Tiwaz does all instruments and EW the vocals. This project plays german black metal in their very own style reminding on old Absurd in some parts.
RSR 013 Kvaathan Demo MC limited to 200
The finest Candia’s underground brought out since Akitsa and Aryanas! Kvaathan is a one man project with a heavy influence of older Darkthrone. Novus Atrum Aevum is a 4 track demo which should take down the judeo-christan believes by storm
RSR 015 Ruinaeros Demo MC limited to 100
The debut of the solo project of Isrimul from Krähennäbel (AUT). Ruinaeros plays german black metal in the tradition of Nargaroth. This best black metal act from Vienna can name itself in a line with Austria’s underground elite.
Contact: http://sturmherr.funpic.de/

I'll be posting the latest updates