Heathen Crusade lineup complete


catalyst of entropy
Aug 11, 2006
Dragon Valhalla
From www.heathencrusade.com:

October 30, 2006: The final bands of the lineup have been confirmed. They are: SLOUGH FEG (California), OBTEST (Lithuania), MAEL MORDHA (Ireland), SHROUD OF BEREAVEMENT (New Hampshire) EARTHEN (Illinois) and WITHERING SOUL (Illinois). The running order will be announced soon.
I think I was the only one at Chicago Powerfest who liked Withering Soul. Despite their shitty mix (I keep hearing that they wanted it that way on purpose), they are good at what they do.
I saw Withering Soul once a while back. Not my cup of tea.
I am not going to shit storm them, as I am in no way an expert on the black / goth metal genre. They seem to be getting a lot of high profile gigs, so good for them.

Slough Feg are great live. This seems like it would be a good time.