Heathen - Evolution of...Thrash


Lone Justice
Nov 20, 2009
I waited for the new Heathen album for months and listened in the meantime a lot to Breaking the silence and Victims of deception.

The question why this band never became as big as Metallica, Megadeth or Anthrax will never be answered. Heathen had all ingredients for becoming a big Thrash band: listen to their albums and you understand what I mean, it's fast, melodic and accessible, it has variation between fast and clean stuff, great vocals and guitar work, catchy riffs, etc.

It was no surprise to me that their new album (their first release since 1991) would contain all these ingredients again, but now of course with a superb production.
Best songs so far for me are Dying Season and No stone unturned (11 minutes long !) The year has just begun but this one will be among my top 3 albums of 2010, I am sure about that.

Check out the Evolution of chaos ! And of course their previous stuff, you won't be disappointed. :headbang:

I gave one listen to the leak and didn't really get into it. I'll throw it on a few more times but I'm not sure it's really for me.
I loved the 2005 demo (much more than their first two albums) and the samples prior to the link were promising for the new songs, but the full versions aren't doing much for me. Fancy leads over dull Metallica/Exodus reject riffs, part trois.
From what I have heard from Heathen, I would rather listen to Vektor, or Lazarus AD, or Mantic Ritual for "new thrash".
I think some of you are being too harsh, and rather clumsy in your logic. If you liked the '05 demo, but don't like the full album which contains those same songs plus more, then perhaps you didn't really like the demo to begin with? I think it's rather questionable if say you only like the songs that were on the demo. The rest of the album is entirely in the same vein. And, perhaps your tastes have simply changed since '05, which is also possible of course.

Anyway, the album is a properly executed thrash record that doesn't break any new ground but has a strong appeal.
I never really liked Victims of Deception much. Then I got Breaking the Silence. I like it pretty well. It made me go back and take a new look at Victims. I think I ended up liking it better. I will probably pick this release up. I like the cover art.
Best Thrash Album in years, possibly decades!
Those of you who liked the demo and don't like this album need to get your ears cleaned. THOSE ARE THE SAME SONGS!!! But done better. All these young new thrash wanna be bands need to take a lesson or two from Heathen. But then again, nothing will help them since they lack the talent that it takes to write a masterpiece like Evolution and Victims albums.
My faith in thrash metal has been restored. Thank you Heathen.
None of the new songs sound like Dying Season. That one is fast, melody dominated, and overall sounds like product of a By Inheritance/Twisted Into Form copulation. A few odd moments here and there (literally odd with the Slough Feg wannabe middle section of A Hero's Welcome :lol:) show the vaguest hints of stepping out of the mold already formed in 1986, but otherwise this is generic as fuck.