Heathen - Evolution of...Thrash

None of the new songs sound like Dying Season. That one is fast, melody dominated, and overall sounds like product of a By Inheritance/Twisted Into Form copulation. A few odd moments here and there (literally odd with the Slough Feg wannabe middle section of A Hero's Welcome :lol:) show the vaguest hints of stepping out of the mold already formed in 1986, but otherwise this is generic as fuck.

Wait, are all the songs suppose to sound the same? And there's tons of speed and melody all over that album. And A Hero's Welcome is AWESOME!!! If you like Thin Lizzy how can you not like it!? Anyway, to each his own. I love it! 10 out of 10. Easily the album of the year, no, make that decade!
Oh, I know it fits the lyrics of the song. Maybe out of place is the wrong way of saying what I feel...basically, I was listening, and while the album wasn't insulting it was kind of just playing for me, not doing anything special...then that happened...I felt insulted. There's no need for shit like that.
Oh, I know it fits the lyrics of the song. Maybe out of place is the wrong way of saying what I feel...basically, I was listening, and while the album wasn't insulting it was kind of just playing for me, not doing anything special...then that happened...I felt insulted. There's no need for shit like that.

I don't understand why would you feel insulted!? It's just a song.
Because it's insulting my intelligence and being outlandish and silly. I don't like when bands do shit like that. It's almost like they said "hey guys the song is for the troops, right? Maybe some people won't get that so we'll yell it in the song really proudly so more people esp. the troops understand". Give me a break.
Wait, are all the songs suppose to sound the same? And there's tons of speed and melody all over that album. And A Hero's Welcome is AWESOME!!! If you like Thin Lizzy how can you not like it!? Anyway, to each his own. I love it! 10 out of 10. Easily the album of the year, no, make that decade!

You're the one that said THOSE ARE THE SAME SONGS!!!, not me. I'm saying that Dying Season is ridiculously better than long-thrash like No Stone Unturned. It's like Ride the Lightning against And Justice For All. By and large these new ones are the same Metallica/Exodus-aping bullshit that they did on the majority of Victims of Deception. Not bad, admittedly, but entirely uninteresting.
:lol::guh: That's a fucking joke right?

100% truth and not a joke, and I never said anything about No Doubt having artistic integrity. I said Tragic Kingdom is a fucking incredible album.

AND ONCE AGAIN, Killswitch Engage fans aren't allowed to criticize anyones taste in music.
Because it's insulting my intelligence and being outlandish and silly. I don't like when bands do shit like that. It's almost like they said "hey guys the song is for the troops, right? Maybe some people won't get that so we'll yell it in the song really proudly so more people esp. the troops understand". Give me a break.

I agree. That dedication bit made me facepalm... Have to say I'm trying to ignore that entire track because the rest of the album really does it for me. Red Tears of Disgrace is great... loads of good things about this album to my ears...