Heaven and Hell, Megadeth and Down to play my hometown in March???

David Gold

Son of the Darkest Blues
Feb 20, 2004
No hometown, Ontario.


With Megadeth and Down

Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario

Wtf? Considering that the musicians on this tour created the majority of the music I grew up listening to while living in "The Soo" 10 years ago (Black Sabbath, Pantera, Down, Crowbar, Megadeth, all of who I never in a million years would ever think they would ever play a show in SSM), you'd think that after this show, the 16 year old metalheads who currently live there may no longer consider Sault Ste. Marie a boring and overall crummy and depressing place to grow up where everything sucks and no good bands ever stop to play there, IF they got to see Black Sabbath, Megadeth and Down in their own town at a small venue. My personal feelings towards SSM and my time living there have not changed with the announcement of this show however because for me this tour is 10 years to late. Megadeth was the first concert I ever saw, but I was already 19 and I had to move to Windsor to see it (in Detroit). Because this show in SSM is on a Tuesday, I don't have to option to 'go home' to see it (to believe it) because of work and the fact that it's just too far to drive (8 + hours each way from Toronto). If I do want to see this tour at all, I'd have to go to the Air Canada Centre (much bigger venue) and sit in the stands of a packed house with the rest of the Torontonian schmoes. I'd much rather drive 5 mins from any corner of SSM to get downtown to the venue, or better yet, I could have walked to this show from my old house.

The whole thing just blows my mind really. Tony Iommi IS the father of ALL metal (he invented the metal riff!), but I still find it somewhat understandable that he may eventually in his touring lifetime play a show in SSM during his later years when bands go to play shows simply where they have never been before. Megadeth, sure! They still record new albums, tour everywhere they are welcome, they're still trying to keep it alive, it makes sense...but DOWN??? Man, I love DOWN! They are probably in my top 3 fav bands ever and I just can't imagine Phil Anselmo and Kirk Windstein walking down Queen or Bay St, or maybe going for a beer at "Foggy Notions" or eaying at the Husky (North or West End)...or can I? Maybe I'm just so jealous that I'm not there anymore and that I will miss this when it finally happens. I am honestly jealous of the kids who will get to see this tour in SSM and I'll probably be shaking my head if I see kids wearing Down shirts everywhere if I go home to visit sometime this year. But good for them, because nothing else good ever seems to happen there. I hope they have a blast! + I hope it inspires a few of them because if I was still living there and I heard this tour was coming to town, I'd surely shit my pants.


yeah i wish that tour was coming out this way, I've seen Sabbath and Megadeth a couple times each, but DOWN!!!! The power of the riff compels me!!!!!! :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: that entire show would kick alot of ass :headbang:
I have my tickets for the March 14 ( I think it is ) date. I am basically going to see Down. The rest, I could care less for... I was choked when I found out Motorhead was replaced with Megadave.

I do think it'll be cool to see The Geeze and Tony.
I'm seeing the H&H tour twice this year. Opening night in Vancouver (where I saw Maiden, Queensryche & Halford) and a few days later in Calgary. A short holiday in Vancouver was already planned for this year (damn I miss that city - Best one in Canada!) but H&H cemented it.

Last year, I met Ian Gillan after his show at Cowboys. We briefly chatted about Sabbath and he signed my Gillan's Inn cd, Trashed & Born Again Ian Gillan !

It's a dream come true for me to finally see Sabbath and Dio. Especially after listening to both bands for 24+ years now.:headbang: :headbang:
They're playing the Soo? Holy shit, nice. They're coming here to London... but I don't have any money, and can't go :(
I've been there before :cry: I've missed Dio, Purple, Sabbath shows in the 80's & 90's due to lack of funds. But now I try and go to as many as possible.

They're playing the Soo? Holy shit, nice. They're coming here to London... but I don't have any money, and can't go :(
Hahaha, I only know of Sault Ste. Marie cause Spencer Rice (from Kenny Vs Spenny) is from there too. What an awesome show.

I keep hearing this H+H tour is going to hit Australia later this year. This is already one of the best years in recent memory for tours in Australia, too. Schwoit.
Seriously? I didn't know that. I know that show is based out of Toronto. How old is that guy?

I've watched basically every episode but I still can't figure out how old those guys are... but definitely older than they look (and behave!) Actually I just Wiki'd Kenny Hotz, he was born in 1973, so assuming they went to school together that makes them around 34! He's done some really interesting shit in his lifetime too.

Anyway, most of the "Who can win an arm wrestling competition?" was filmed in Sault St. Marie, you can find it on YouTube. :)

I just saw the *SPARSE* complete US itinerary for Heaven and Hell and was dejected to see not one date in the entire southeastern US-- no Atlanta, no Charlotte, no Nashville, not even a Florida date.

But then I realized that they'll be playing suburban Denver at a venue 5 minutes from my buddy's house-- THE WEEKEND I'LL BE VISITING HIM.


Dio's rainbows must be aligned with Iommi's crucifixes.
Growing up in nearby Elliot Lake, I always prayed that a cool metal show would hit either the Soo or Sudbury. Of course, it never happened!

Though I did get to see Triumph in Elliot Lake one year; and a few years later a Slayer tribute band from Sudbury played EL. Yep.