Heaven and Hell, Megadeth and Down to play my hometown in March???

I saw Down in Vancouver and the band were treated as headliners. Phil couldn't believe the positive response. It's a shame they cancelled subsequent shows (including Calgary) but H&H were stellar.
From someone on the Braveboard that went in SSM:
"holy fuck are the only to words i could use to describe the the show last night. Me and my buddies showed up at the arena at about 2:30-3ish and who do we see from the parking lot across the street? DAVE MUSTAINE!! he signed afew autographs and left in a hurry. Now, last i heard Down dropped off the tour, but it was a pleasant suprise to see phil walking around outside his tour bus. Down were fucking heavy live! they did a really good job, i was impressed. Phil was also sober and he looked well. Next was Megadeth, who i must say had most of the fans at the arena last night (it suprised me how many megadeth shirts kids had on.) I don't even no what to say about this, they were on fire, it was awesome! It was my first time seeing Megadeth but certainly not my last. Sabbath was AMAZING. when the lights went out, the crowd literally went nuts. the band came out, followed by dio and they played about an hour and forty five minute set. all in all it was a kick ass show and i hope everyone can make it out and see this tour."
Well, late review, but better than nothing I 'spose...

Wiating in line the buzz amongst everyone was if Down was playing. The moment the doors opened and you could hear the curses and see people shaking their heads you knew Down was not playing.

When I finally got up to the doors and read the posted sign, I was shocked to see that there was a FULL ticket price refund being offered for Down fans. Keep in mind, this is an opening act, and they are creating such a stir that fans of them are being offered full price refunds. I was very tempted to go get my cash and go home, but I thought I am allready here, I will just get super pissed off of the Saddeldome Whiskey Beer. And tanked I got...

Megadeth bored the ever living shit out of me, however seeing them play The Mechanix was pretty neat. I was tempted to start screaming out the lyrics to The Four Horsemen...

Heaven & Hell was decent at best. I was thrilled to stand up front and stare at Geezer while he played, and to watch Tony lay it out. Dio bored me and looked like he was about to die... What pissed me off the most were all these stupid ass fucks who started a mosh pit. A mosh pit... for H&H. Give me a break. I laid about 18 kids out flat on their asses when they would run into me, as I was standing just on the edge when it broke out. Threatened to punch in some fellows teeth if he did not stop pushing me from behind... bleh.

This night was NOT worth 70 bucks. Very dissapointed. I did get gooned outta my tree though, so that was fun.
Ahh, the sweet sound of a big UPS truck pulling up out front....
