heavest thing ive ever written.. (deathcore)

Im not sure if your asking in terms of the recording or if you are talking about what you have wrote. so, ill do both!

the recording is a little digital sounding at times. the guitars also sound a little muddy due to the low tunning. That much you can probably fix just by having your guitars neck set for lower tunning. What are you using, and whats your method of recording? the drums sound really good but i cant get over that pod/digital sound on the guitars. Give amplitube metal a shot with some impulses and see if that helps clear it up. If you have the cash, try revalver.

In terms of the writing. It feels slow, but you could change this easily if you make your long rythm sections into break downs. When your guitaring is slow, speed it up by changing your riffs often rather then doubling play speed. Has potential, think you just need to arrange it better.