Heavy deathcore, mega pissed, mastering by Will Putney


Feb 24, 2011
Another recent mix I wrapped up, mastering by Will Putney.

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Great mix except for the vocals and the kick, but that's kind of preference in this case. To me, the vocals are being covered and aren't very upfront, but I know that's how some people prefer it in deathcore. The kick sounds like it got the mastering limiter treatment and isn't hitting you in the chest, but again, preference.
Mix and Production are fucking stellar! Great job. Love that snare. It's got it's own character, really snappy. I think the vocals are just right.

Not into the music in the slightest though. Pretty boring and derivative.

But sonically this is really well done!
Thanks guys :) I would have liked to have the kick up maybe 1-2db for the mastering but it's all good. But then again, it sits nice for me as well. Just one of those either or things I guess
New sample night! If you dig these drum tones, you can grab them at the store!


Kit includes:

-Kick: Pearl masters MCX 22" x 18"
-Snare: Shine Definition Birch 14" x 6"
-Tom 1:pearl Masters MCX 10" x 8"
-Tom 2: Pearl Masters MCX 12" x 9"
-Tom 3: Pearl Masters MCX 16" x 16"
-HH: Zildjian A Custom Mastersound-Rezo 14in
-CHINA L: Wuhan Mini China 12in
-CL: Zildjian Z Custom Medium Crash 19in
-CR: Zildjian A Custom Sweet Ride 21in
-RIDE: Zildjian Z3 Mega Bell Ride 21in
-CHINA R: Zildjian Oriental China 20in