Heavy Metal combats emotions like depression and anger.


Heavy Metal OTD
Feb 17, 2014
A study has shown listening to heavy metal or extreme kinds of music helps purge emotions like anger and depression.

Leah Sharman from the University of Queensland's School of Psychology is researching the impact of music on society.

She said a study of 39 adults aged between 18 and 34 found they were inspired and calmer when they listened to heavy metal.

"I was wondering how people use this music, because people who listen to it would use it in different emotional states," Ms Sharman said.

"We found the music regulated sadness and enhanced positive emotions.

"When you're angry and you listen to something that's highly arousing, it's going to match your emotional state."


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I feel like this is such a simple psychological issue that it barely needs to be researched. If you like metal, it's because it combats feelings of anger and depression, or maybe you simply aren't effected by some of the underlying negative themes in a lot of extreme metal. If you aren't able to get into it, it's because it facilitates negative emotions. Completely dependent on the person.
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^Can only agree. I guess it depends also on the listener and which style of metal he listens to. There is alot of variety of emotions spread in the genre of metal from melancholic to soft themes and more violent in the Death metal genre.
I prefer listen to what comes to my mind and often i don't really know what to listen to and then I put a record in my player and enjoy the feeling that the music creates that's what i like - it's more subconsious
not that I consciously choose a style and say today Iam angry and want music to be my outlet of anxiety or bad emotions. I think it helps to combat negative emotions in a way definitly but for me music shapes inspiration that's what I always experienced.
But I can only disagree with some widespread rumors that aggressive metal makes people to be more violent or tend to turn the listener into a depressed person - that's nonsense.
If you have problems then the music is not to blame for that. It's only a form of art and an expression of feelings and entertainment in a certain way and people can identify with the general athmosphere that a certain band creates.

I know nothing new but Iam just a comment whore.
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I feel like this is such a simple psychological issue that it barely needs to be researched. If you like metal, it's because it combats feelings of anger and depression, or maybe you simply aren't effected by some of the underlying negative themes in a lot of extreme metal. If you aren't able to get into it, it's because it facilitates negative emotions. Completely dependent on the person.

Yea, this definitely seems like one of those "no shit" studies, but I guess people who don't listen to metal or other forms of extreme music seem not to view it the same way.

When im really angry or pissed off, ill throw on something like Napalm Death to calm myself down. It simulates the kind of release I would get from punching a wall or yelling fuck at the top of my lungs, and after a couple of songs ill feel myself calming down. However, if I were to put on the same album while building a model or troubleshooting a small engine, I would get angry or frustrated more easily.

Overall, I think it is pretty obvious that music of all kinds can elicit different types of emotions in different situations. I think people are still biased towards extreme music because of the 80's hardcore scene, where aggressive music was accompanied by emotional angry teens and anti-conformists fucking up clubs and breaking shit in public. People blamed the music itself, but in reality it was just the scene culture that defined this as normal "punk" behavior.
I'd personally rather not waste time trying to get people to understand why metal is an appealing genre of music when they're just not interested. If they wanted to get into metal or understand why it's good, they'd take time out to explore it themselves.

My current job allows me to wear whatever I want so I get shit for it all the time. I just laugh it off and move on.
Let's not forget that uploading child noods can combat emotions like depression and anger in individuals and Seasons of Mist still dumped Inquisition.

Also, I wanted to fuck a classmate when I was thirteen and to make my vriginity loss more exciting I blasted Carpathian Forest and the girl started crying and I had to leave. So there.

EDIT: Is my post related to the topic at all or ahve I just drifted away completely? Up to you.