Heavy Metal Fans To Be Medicated


You'll Be in Hell With ME
Nov 23, 2002
Malaysia will medicate youths it says belong to a Satanic heavy metal music cult, a newspaper said today.
About 150 alleged "Black Metal" members from 15 schools would begin a program used for drug addicts from Tuesday, the New Straits Times said.
"A private company will sponsor the treatment program. The medicine has been tested on drug addicts and found to be effective in stimulating their thinking," said Fadzil Hanafi, an official in northern Kedah state.

How about we medicate TD....????:err:
Anthrax_Mosher said:
How about we medicate you, cause your a fuckin asshole.

See this is why these types of articles are written.... see the attitude....Maybe electro-shock is needed.....
DarbysDad said:
It's not alway white itself maybe that's why he so fucked up!!! :lol:

and yeah plenty of white boys around on meth.

You sure are a smart mother fucker, seeing as how im not fully white, and i dont do meth. Whos the smartass now bitch !?
Skorned1 said:
Easy, 909, you did it again! Now take a seap breath and say it like you're not 12.

Gee, if you didn't have sex on your mind all the time, you'd be able to think of a better comeback than that. But that was just beyondlame. :yuk: