Heavy Metal From India

Ok, time for our interpretation of the cover.
The name of the album. 'Intellectual Pursuit', signifies the Quest for Original thought. We are all final year undergraduate engineering students, faced with the prospects of 'succeeding' in society. Everywhere you go, everything you do, society seems to have a say. We've kinda had enough of that.
The man at the crossroads is faced with two choices. On his left, the road is well maintained, the sun is shining, there are houses in the distance, and a scarecrow, all signifying the fact that if he takes that road, he's probably going to go where many have gone. If you compare it to the road on the right, you can see that it doesn't go all the way to the top, we like to think of that journey as a materialistic, but not a spiritually satisying one.
On the right, the road has potholes, no one gives a damn about this route, the crop circles and the rock sculpture were added just to give it that "I dont know where I'm heading" aspect.
The object in the distance, is the man's soul calling out to him, urging him to start his 'Intellectual Pursuit'.

I guess there is no "correct" path. Guess it all depends on what each one of us wants. At times I guess you might have to follow the herd. I write this as I'm preparing for the GRE and TOEFL, like a zillion other students in India, I guess. Hyok.

Comments/ Interpretions/ Feedback?
Excellent interpretation, it sounds like something a classical greek philosopher would espouse. I may buy your cd just because of this, and trust me, its been a while since I bought a cd.

I go to grad school (econ and international development) and 50% of my class is Indians. Most are engineers, and seem to have faced that path you described, and then most face the next path to gain entry into the United States. I am continually shocked how hard these students work. It must be tough to be intelligent in India with all the pressure.
cool cover ... like I mentioned previously, I have some Indian friends and know the social and parental pressures toward success are especially hard in India.
Seems that most parents there live for impressing the neighbours with a doctor or engineer child rather than encouraging their children in choosing the right path for "themselves"
@Speed : Please go ahead and buy the album. We've spent a lot of money (financed only by us) to make this album, and I'm sure you'd like it. The rest of the album artwork is on the same lines, with lots of potential interpretations just waiting to be made. You can pick it up at the sale section for $5 (you have to pick up some other cds at the same price too, i guess) or for $7.99 directly. We make $ 3.99 on each cd sold, which is hardly anything considering it cost us the equivalent of nearly $20 to send it to the US.
But then again, this album isn't about money for us. It's about the music, people all over listening to it, and for all good things that music and heavy metal stand for :)
We wanted to show that Indian Bands could release 'international quality' material, so I guess it's up to you guys to tell us whether we succeeded or not !

@Lurch70 : Life in India is fun, but I must admit that it's not easy. Our educational system focuses more on the theoretical knowledge base rather than practical knowledge, and there is intense competition to get into professional courses. Including class test and final exams I probably have to write 400 exams by the time I graduate! (June 2005) There is intense social pressure on kids, because the standard of living isn't as high as the rest of the world yet (although it's fast improving). Having a good degree from a good college is seen by most parents as the only way to see their kids 'succeed'. Bangalore is quite different and very metropolitan. We have KFC, Levis, American Idol and what not, like the major cities in India.
Although I'm of Indian origin, and have been in India for nearly the last 10 years and studied most of my educational life here, I was born in the United Kingdom and hold a UK passport. I'm torn between deciding whether to go to the US or UK. Might choose the latter due to all the security and job issues that seem to be cropping up in the States for people of Asian origin. Anyhow I do plan to take the GRE (Oct 20th) and TOEFL (Monday!) and decide for sure once i get my scores.

Thanks a lot you guys, this is turning out to be quite an interesting discussion :tickled:
The Gre is really easy, although you may have some difficulty on the writing portion if you are not a native speaker. Ive heard the toefl gets harder based on what you level of English you claim to have; thus try to aim low and claim as little english experience as you can get away with.

Good luck man.
hi guys my first post i am too from india[bangalore] ,am a friend of guitar guru,i play for a band called EXTINCT REFLECTIONS here in bangalore,lot of good bands in bangalore,there are bands like kryptos and myndsnare who are totally pro and perfect in their approach.they too have records and demos out.all must check outs... :rock:
Hey Speed.
Yeah the quantitative part of the GRE should be OK. It's learning these obscure words that noone hardly uses in real life, that is turning out the be the main problem!
Analytical writing should be OK, I used to debate in High School and stuff, hoping that comes in handy

Anyone else listen to the sound clips?
Thats good, I had no problem with the language portion, but I can see why a foreigner would. Dont worry, unless you do really poorly it has no bearing on getting into 99% of grad schools.