
Jul 18, 2002
Its that time again! Every Halloween I do a special Halloween show filled with great heavy hard rock music, and lots of sound effects, haunts, etc etc.

I can almost guarantee you there is many Halloween type related songs you have never heard. I do segments on themes such as Zombies, Witches, Demons, ghosts, etc etc and then play songs matching those themes as well as sound effects and so on. I also do segments based off Horror movies like Candyman, Halloween, F13, Elm Street, Texas, Chainsaw Massacre, Twilight Zone, Psycho etc with songs matching those movie themes. All songs are in the Hard Rock, and Heavy Metal genres.

This will be a 4 possibly 5 hour show! Starting with a haunting intro at 5:30 PM EST, and the actual show starting at 6:00 PM EST!

To give you an example...

CHATROOM (I will be in there at 5:00 PM EST)


Show will also be played on Pure Rock Radio, Rock N Rollica Radio, The CMS Network, Knight Rider Radio, Maximum Threshold, and some others as well.

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The nightmare has finally arrived! The Metal Madman HALLOWEEN special starts today from 6:00 PM EST - 10:00 PM EST or possibly even later depending on how scared you all are! This is truly a unique one of a kind show like you've never heard before! If you love Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Horror Movies, and Haunts this is a must hear show! Tune in and learn why this show is one of the most talked about annual holiday radio shows there is! Demons, Zombies, Ghosts, Madmen, Psychos, and lots more! Best experienced in the dark, and with headphones on! What are you afraid of? It's only Rock N Roll!