Heavy metal injuries


Active Member
Jul 4, 2002
In the latest issue of Terrorizer, Brian Livoti of Watchmaker says this:

I am sure there is someone reading this right now who cannot move their head because they have literally given themselves whiplash after a hard night's thrash. Have the back of your legs ever hurt from metal stance? That is a weird one, but totally commonplace for true thrashers.
So who's had what? Of course, I've had the neck thing many fucking times, it's been quite debilitating in the past! I had a weird one the other day, I think it was my tricep or something in my arm was REALLY sore for a couple of days, possibly from air guitar I guess. Many times I'm just generally sore all over.
The worst I ever hurt was when Dimebag got capped, we had a wake for him that involved drunken moshing and I got a bottle broken over my face. Good times for a bad reason.

Also it's not a good idea to listen to 5 Meshuggah albums in a row while superdrunk, my neck was pretty pissed off at me the next day.
My ears sometimes ring, but now I wear earplugs.

Ironically, Erik's ringpiece probably hurts, but now he wears a buttplug. (bathorys included). :loco:

Otherwise, mostly just a case of WHIPLASH! (from the wife). :loco:

nuff fuckin said
hahahha bonus points for yelling the "lyrics" of an instrumental song.

Unless he was celebrating Lovecraft at the time, in which case the bonus points remain.
JayKeeley said:
Ironically, Erik's ringpiece probably hurts, but now he wears a buttplug. (bathorys included). :loco:

Haha I was expecting someone to say this in response to my "I'm generally sore all over" comment.

I think Mike wins, yeah.
Doom said:
Haha I was expecting someone to say this in response to my "I'm generally sore all over" comment.

I think Mike wins, yeah.

Oh mine was a total pre-emptive strike. As soon as I mentioned "ear plugs" I know Erik had a "butt plug" comment at the ready. :tickled:
Ellestin said:
Nah... stiff neck, hurting ribs, the usual business, nothing serious rly.
That and bloody lips in some occasions (Slayer, Motorhead and Destruction concerts). Also not self injury, but in a Kreator concert in 1998 a guy tried to do stagediving and absolutely fell on the floor when everyone just opened the room for him to fall on the floor(!). The guy went to the hospital of course.
a guy tried to do stagediving and absolutely fell on the floor when everyone just opened the room for him to fall on the floor(!).
fucking served him right imo

stagediving is retarded, i don't want some fat guy's boots in my face
I try to stay away from mosh pits....
but my only "big" injury was when I was 15 and saw Entombed
and stood near the mosh pit infront of the stage, and some asshole
pushed me into it, and before I know it, im in the middle of the mess,
some chick (or was it a guy) with those HUGE finger length rings
somehow run into me, and those rings scrached my entire face,
I mean: I had literally 3 HUGE scratched from one ear to another...
the fucked up part was, my parents thought I was spending the night at a friend
I got so grounded for that :(

ahhh memories.

but my neck hurt very often after a metal show.
sore neck, broken glass in face and arms, various stab wounds, the works. I generally hate all the nonsense in a moshpit but sometimes its unavoidable getting pummelled at shows when you stand in the front.
En Vind Av Sorg said:
sore neck, broken glass in face and arms, various stab wounds, the works. I generally hate all the nonsense in a moshpit but sometimes its unavoidable getting pummelled at shows when you stand in the front.

yeah. most of the stuff in mine is from headbanging or being hit from behind.... the black eye is from a stage divers steel toed boots.
lurch70 said:
you had a what?
wake: n.

1. A watch; a vigil.
2. A watch over the body of a deceased person before burial, sometimes accompanied by festivity. Also called viewing.


Actually it was a very depressing night but everyone got shithoused because "Dimebag would've wanted it this way." That phrase carried on for several more weeks whenever the act of getting more beer came into question.