HEAVY METAL is dead in the U.S.

I saw opeth last night at the palladium(one of the biggest club venues to see new england shows at) It is where they hold the metal fest around here. Anyways it was near sold out. But a lot of fags were there. They have attracted the mallgoths/ former nu-metal kids. I thought it was just cause devil driver opened....but the kids seemed to be familiar with what was going on and into it.

Im sick of seeing these metal is dead claims and posts... jesus it was always like this... It is actually the strongest it has been in 10 years. There are less than 5 bands if that...mainly slayer that I like before death metal came into being or pre-1989. All the huge bands were glam/hair. The bands that weren't still play for audiences that are relatively the same(give or take a few posers). Glam/hair turned into Grunge, then Nu-shit, to what it is today. Get a grip underground metal is growing...
Generation_Speedkill said:
If he's refering to mainstream metal in American, I agree, but I think he's overlooking a lot of good metal in the states. While there isn't very much of a black metal scene, death metal is still alive in well in the underground. Plus, look at the wide variety of style among great American metal bands today:

Hate Eternal
Symphony X
Vital Remains

Good grief, man!!!! Not much of a black metal scene? In my most humble opinion, it is ALL about the black metal coming out of the U.S. (and Canada).
Loads of metal bands are getting bigger now because they've signed to bigger labels and with the whole collapse of nu-metal, all the fans of that seemed to have either gone to punk/hardcore/emo which is the main trend at the moment, or they've stayed with metal and started to try and get into underground metal. Magazines like Metal Hammer often have features on the underground/extreme metal scene.

Arch Enemy
In Flames
My Dying Bride
Morbid Angel
Lacuna Coil
Dimmu Borgir (although they've been somewhat mainstream for a long while now)

Even though im not too keen on these bands getting big (being a bit of an elitest cunt sometimes, sorry), it shows that metal isnt dead and will never die *does power metal fist to the sky!*:headbang:

Baring in mind im just talking about the UK here, i know this is a thread about the US metal scene but i thought id voice my crappy opinion anyways