Heavy Metal Television

There is already a website that does this. In addition to a heavy metal tv, they have 8 other channels to choose from. Ranging from current rock/metal, 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's, 21st century, prog rock, and a soft rock/ ballad channel. My favorite is the prog rock channel and the heavy metal channel which they call Hard & Heavy is quite good. About 60% of what they show on the H&H channel I enjoy but yeah but show some shitty core and grind. Probably going to be the same thing when this new website goes live.


wow, rocktelevision.com is pretty cool... Yea, you can probably find it all and more on youtube, but I enjoy the randomness of it, kinda brings back memories from the good old days of video. They have quite a few ads on the site which I'm sure takes care of the expenses... Thanks for the link!
I think this like internet radio would do well. For people working or doing stuff on thier computer. I dont think in this day and age in the world of "instant" someone would sit for 2 hours waiting to see a video they want when they can go to youtube and pull it up. They would almost need to do instant programs exclusive to the channel like studio reports, festival reports, and band interviews that are just more than a simple 5 minute interview. They would have to do this right out of the starting gate to grab peoples attention.

So...to grab people's attention, programming chunks need to be somewhere in between 5 minutes and 2 hours?
No offense to the bands but I can't do a station that "brings the classic MTV format back to life with favourites such as Judas Priest and Iron Maiden as well as newer bands like Five Finger Death Punch and Shinedown". I dunno who Five Finger Death Punch are but if they are lumping Shinedown with Judas Priest and Iron Maiden.. I'm gonna pass. It sounds like modern day headbangers ball if that things still on air.
I watched a bit of the Heavy Metal Channel yesterday ... the videos they played were from Sonata Arctica, Dragonforce, Tool and Sinergy. There was a fifth one in there, but I've forgotten who it was. It was an interesting mix. I would watch an old school mtv style metal channel if it was available on my television, but can't see myself watching it via computer. The quality was of the picture was mediocre.

Has anyone seen the alleged news or interview segments that were to be included with these music videos? It seems like the station is merely an ongoing stream of random metal videos.

Stay metal. Never rust.