Heavy Mix

I don't have monitors to mix on, so I can't really control my low end as much as I'd like to.
Do you mean low end in the kick, toms, bass, or just in general?

EDIT: Alright, I've made changes to it.
I took off the high pass at 40hz from the kick and added about 4 dB at 50.
Took the high pass of the bass (I have no idea why I did that) and the cut around 100hz that I made because I thought it stuck out way too much. Added about 2-3 dB at 50.
My bass strings were fairly old, so that might be a problem as well.

I think it's alot better now, you could maybe raise the toms 1 or 2 dB. Other than that there's something strange in your overheads, but maybe it's just me.
Hmm, I don't have any reverb on them. It's just Metal Foundry cymbals boosted with a high shelved around 10khz by 3 dBs and a low pass around 8khz on the room.