

No Care Ever

work in progress.

5150 III through mesa for guitars
bass is Zombass 2 through sansamp
used a lot of soundtoys decapitator on vocals(plus typical compress\de-esser\EQ chain)
drums are a ton of blended samples. Feel free to ask about specifics or make suggestions.
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Big mix Brian. I always end up liking your mixes.haha
I would like to ask about bass. Do you load a cab impulse after the sansamp reamp? some info about how did you process it?

Big mix Brian. I always end up liking your mixes.haha
I would like to ask about bass. Do you load a cab impulse after the sansamp reamp? some info about how did you process it?


no impulses on bass. Just a lot of eq, compression, and some secrets

This slays!

the 5153>mesa combo sounds brilliant, did you boost beforehand?

and what did you use the decapitator for, general saturation or a certain effect?

used a Maxon OD808 before
Huge drums! Any tips on achieving such a huge kick and toms? Love the snap on the snare.

lots of low end and click on the kick. I usually do a lot more click on the kick than this, but I wanted to change it up a bit.
Toms, just make them LOUD and not too boomy haha.

^haha my guess too.

Oh, one thing, the cymbals sound a bit weird at the high end, like they're compressed or something.

Noticed that too(and of course the cymbals are compressed haha). I plan on messing with it on mix 2.
Your mixes have pretty much THE sound i strive to achieve. Always sounding huge, beefy, and crisp while retaining all clarity. Might there be a chance you can shoot us some multi's (as well as stems because i would love to hear each instrument individually and attempt to use the same glue) our way? I'd love to have a project like that to A/B my mixes with!
Everything sounds sick here. Definitely "final" mix material even at this point.
Really curious about the verb/room (or both?) on snare/toms.