Hecate Enthroned - Redimus


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Hecate Enthroned – Redimus
Candlelight Records – September 7th, 2004
By Jason Jordan


I first encountered Hecate Enthroned when they were still signed to Metal Blade Records. No doubt, their self-induced cloning of Cradle of Filth led to a (somewhat) lucrative record deal. Fast forward a few years to reach the shores of Redimus, which finds the group more mature but still lacking enough spirit to be compelling.

The Casio-esque keyboard interjections in songs like “Soil of Sin” and “Headhunter” are cheesy. Hints of influences show up frequently within Hecate Enthroned, and it’s relatively facile to pinpoint those specific entities. I’ll let you handle that, though. “No One Hears” is a good number due to its captivating melodies, and down-tuned, guttural guitar riffs; the inclusion of double-bass in the aforementioned is a plus also. Again, though, the synth effects feel forced and sound out of place – however, they are sometimes appropriate, but only in hindsight. “The Face of Betrayal” is another sinister composition, whereas “As Fire” is a subtle piece that is the best song on the entire album. The soundscape is punctuated with an amalgamation of different instruments and vocalizations. “The Shining Delight” returns to the infuriated, Hecate Enthroned paradigm. “Morbeea” is a brilliant instrumental, and comes close to being my favorite of the litter. “Redimus,” “Choose Misanthropy,” and “Overriding Imagination” all utilize the same characteristics found on previous incantations.

There is some noticeable inspiration in Hecate Enthroned’s Redimus, but the band is too stale to warrant more than occasional attention. Redimus isn’t lacking anything except for the ability to carve into one’s memory, and that is definitely a problem.


Official Hecate Enthroned website
Official Candlelight Records website