Hedfirst - Hedfirst


OneMetal.com Music Editor
Hedfirst - Hedfirst
2003 - Crash Music Inc
By Philip Whitehouse


Go to the Crash Music Inc web site.

Haling from Poland, the home of such metal luminaries as Vader, Hedfirst sadly don't do much to uphold the tradition of quality heavy metal acts that their home country seem capable of producing. In fact, this is a generally rather uninspiring trudge through an odd form of Sepultura-influenced, mostly mid-tempo thrash with a sludgy, change-from-a-fiver production job and a vocalist who screams are about as convincing as his grasp of English is fractured.

There are some decent, heavy riffs on offer here, but the muddy, stodgy tone that the production has lumbered them with renders them too indistinct to be truly memorable, while the songs generally stay in a stomping, mid-tempo mosh groove throughout, which quickly becomes a bit tedious. When Hedfirst do step on the gas somewhat, they start to recall a sort of demo-stage Entombed, or maybe EyeHateGod on a caffeine rush... but sadly without the hook-filled riffage of the former or the wide-eyed belligerence of the latter.

Pretty bog-standard, generally - get a better production, stop trying to be so contrivedly 'br00tal' and ditch the vocalist, and maybe things will be better next time round.
