Heed - The Call


charting my way to top :)
Feb 9, 2005
Heed – The Call
Metal Heaven – Metal Heaven 00021 – June 10th, 2006
By Zack Attaran


A clever name and album title is about the only thing the Swedish quintet Heed have going for them that will immediately strike you as original. Other than that it is mostly bland and boring, with the exception of a few moments of brilliance. Sure, each member brings exceptional talent and skill to the table, but these days, being able to hit that high note or shred at 400 bps is coming second to the seemingly trivial capability of writing a remarkable song. That being said, these guys do have incredible skill, so if that kind of thing floats your boat, this release is for you. Daniel Heiman (vocals) has one of the most impressive ranges I’ve heard in awhile, while the guitarists have no trouble reaching blistering speeds in the shredding department.

Formed out of the ashes of Lost Horizon, Heed do kick it up a few notches. They make it heavier and more melodic, but they still lack the capacity to keep the catchy and original songs flowing in. The vocals aren’t much different from Lost Horizon’s, but they ditch the keyboards, make it a bit heavier, and add more melody, even though that area is still a little lackluster. Heed aren’t incredibly different than Lost Horizon, but the differences they do incorporate are noticeable, so if you’re a fan of their previous group, you’ll have no trouble liking this.

Heed do have their sparse moments of genius on a couple of songs, especially Enemy, which has a ridiculously catchy melody, boosting this album above the average level in terms of score. In general, though, the tone does get tedious around the 6th song. Overall, Heed are an incredibly talented band, and seeing that this is their debut, I’m not too worried and can definitely see these guys being key players in the melodic metal scene in the next few years. Bottom line: If you like Lost Horizion, can’t get enough of absurdly high vocals and love a fast solo, then this is right up your alley.


UM’s Review Rating Scale

Official Heed Website
Official Metal Heaven Website