Heil ok Veg!!!


Dragon of the Aesir
Mar 3, 2002
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Far above the never ending mountain sights
I seek out the dawn of my glory
Sword above my head as a battle cry slips from my lungs
I shall stop at nothing
Regain this land from the corrupted cross, I will
Through blood and the vails of death
Pumping the strength of Thor in my veins
I cannot be stopped

The rune of Tyr engraved on my weapons
Painted on my skin
I'm protected by the ravens of Odin
Victory will come to my people slain
Swift and just
For I am a viking, of viking blood
Don't fuck with me
'Cause I'll fuck you up

I am a pagan of the Old Ways
Follower of the forgotten Northern Gods
And forever I shall fight for these Ancient Ones
Out lasting the fate of Ragnarok
From the shadows of the past I rise
I am the avenger of the wrongfully slain
Do not cross my path
For I will not shed a tear of mercy
'Til my message of revenge has eclipsed the forsaken cross
And use it as the burning stake
Tie the narrow minds to it with the flames of my hate
and "set their souls free"