HEIR APPARENT Parts Ways With Members Of 2006 Touring Lineup


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
HEIR APPARENT members Bobby Ferkovich (bass), Peter Orullian (vocals), Op Sakiya (keyboards) and Jeffrey McCormack (drums) have issued the following statement:"We would first like to take the opportunity to thank all of the fantastic friends and fans of HEIR APPARENT that we have had the privilege to meet this last year in person or via email.

I'd like to personally thank BLABBERMOUTH.NET, and everyone else who spreads this garbage without bothering to question me, or the motives of the source, before publishing it worldwide.

The original lineups of Heir Apparent rehearsed about 5 days a week, sometimes more on weekends. We all had day jobs, girlfriends, pets, and some of us had wives, too... we made time for all of them.

Fact is, I never made any 5 day ultimatum.
I simply reiterated what I know works from experience.
I would be happy with three days a week these days.
They offered one.

Listen, seeing what's really behind this blindsided announcement isn't rocket science...

McCormack is using my name and contacts to self promote his new endeavor to resurrect Fifth Angel, specifically to see if he can get another free trip to Europe. He evidently prefers the instant glory and attention of playing momentary rock star by copying someone else's work again... getting to be hero the easy way. That's really all there is to it.

Although they all had offered to be available for the quick and easy crunch-time rehearsals to prepare for trips to Europe again, the fans want new material. I was never under the illusion that any of them were prepared to do the real work involved in creating a new album. That was something I felt needless to advertise until others were in place... but, here we are.
Besides, there are significant philosophical differences based on perceptions of reality between some of us... for example, I believe in global warming, evolution, and the necessity for mankind to get it's shit together before we drown in our own waste.
These are the fundamental principles of the philosophy behind Heir Apparent from it's inception 24 years ago.

No lineup since 2000 has rehearsed enough to write new material.
The norm has been two days a week, with the singer showing up half the time, and people complaining about paying for rehearsals.
That's just barely enough to learn the old set for some gigs that will earn enough to pay for rehearsals. It's a dead end if you don't take the next step to invest in the future.

I have said significantly more on this subject elsewhere...
The bottom line is that I've spent 7 years trying to find people who understand that being a band is more than only showing up when there's a free trip to Europe on the table.

Since this latest touring lineup was recruited to fulfill spots specifically for playing some live gigs, it sure is gracious of them to announce that they're allowing me to continue on with my project...

If anyone out there has a desire to express their artistic ability in recordings and on stage, within the scope of what this band is about, email me.