Seems like more straight rock, but Damna of Elvenking fronts this band, so I thought it might be interesting to some of you. I kind of dig it.
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This (obviously) has nothing to do with what makes Elvenking good. This is the opposite of Elvenking.
Damnagoras' (I don't call him 'Damna') voice is one of my favorite parts of Heathenreel. I like Elvenking, I do. But talking to Damnagoras when they were at ProgPower (somehow me and a few friends ended up at a very late night dinner with them at Steak and Shake), it became clear that he somewhat regrets starting the band Elvenking. It's like he knows that a band called Elvenking can't become that successful with the masses. Like, it was cool at first, but now that he's a touring musician he wants something that more people will like. The Scythe definitely brought in some elements that showed that they wanted more mass appeal. I think it comes from Damnagoras. Maybe he's embarrassed that he's in a band with such a fantasy name? I don't know. But this shows that his interest is making music with mass appeal. This is pop rock that reminds me of modern Bon Jovi or something like that.
I'll hold off on saying "this sucks"...just that it's not for me. And the thing that 'sucks' is that I fear that this represents a paradigm shift that will ultimately lead to either the end of Elvenking or Damnagoras' exit of the band where I feel his voice best fits.
They've never topped Heathenreel. I doubt anything they do will. There were hints at that youthfulness on Tragedy Poets, but it wasn't the same.
I will reiterate: this band has nothing to do with Elvenking. I'm not surprised, but I guess I'm disappointed that it's come to this.
This (obviously) has nothing to do with what makes Elvenking good. This is the opposite of Elvenking.
Damnagoras' (I don't call him 'Damna')
They've never topped Heathenreel. I doubt anything they do will. There were hints at that youthfulness on Tragedy Poets, but it wasn't the same.
I always thought that he was a horrible singer, and I never liked Elvenking. But this is really good melodic hard rock (duh! there are two Secret Sphere members in the band) and his voice fits pretty good to this.
I like it!
The fact that they never got big anywhere has nothing to do with their name and more to do with the fact that they are from Italy.
really? no musicians in Italy make it big? explain?
How many bands in metal from Italy actually do anything on a worldwide scale? Rhapsody and Lacuna Coil. It's a terrible market for CD sales and it makes less and less sense for a big German or US label to sign Italian bands because they won't be able to sell many records in that country. It happens from time to time, and the scene is starting to grow over there, but I've heard stories about Italian bands moving to the US because the market is so shit over there.
I've heard stories about Italian bands moving to the US because the market is so shit over there.
there is a terrible market for CD sales all over the world. You named 2 pretty big bands who do sell CD's and draw crowds to their shows there. There are other countries that you cant even do that with. Or even states for that matter if you took each state of the US as a seperate entity.
What bands have moved from Italy to the US to make it big? just curious
Nobody big or nobody of note.
The Winter Wake was superior in almost every way to Heathenreel.