Okay. But they've had that for what, over a year now. So I'm wondering why he's so amazed by it. Sure, it is quite cool, but we COB fans have known (about) it for quite some time. So when this dude talked about "omg this reaper on stage, so big, so real etc", I was suddenly reminded of that interview. And thought wow, it CAN'T just be the backdrop picture, now can it...? Anyway, the statue thing is hard to imagine for me. Muscle cars, hookers, coke, pyros, caviar, whole floors at the Waldorf Astoria trashed, okay. That I get.
But was there really a huge retarded puppet with a scythe??? Answer, crackhead.
Alexi has at least two big, old, badass American cars. Janne has his own studio, Jaska will soon have his own house. It is not THAT far fetched; they ARE rich.