Hello all headbangers!!..


Wolf of Valinor
May 8, 2005
Somewhere in Doriath../Turkey
I saw this forum on the official website of Amon Amarth and i wanted to join. First of all i met with metal music by Metallica like most of us. Then i listened some other classic metal bands like Megadeth, Motörhead, Slayer, King Diamond, Anthrax vs..vs...In my past birthday i had a package of gifts from a friend of mine that contains an "In Spite" album (a turkish melodeath band) and two underground rock magazines named "Zor and Rock Station". There was an interview with Johan Hegg in Rock Station and that made me curious about Amon Amarth. And now i know every single song of them :loco: . By almost one year i had a richer music culture. Except these groups im listening Destruction, Death Angel, Kreator, In Flames, Dark Tranquility, Soilwork, Dream Theather, Pain of Salvation, Arch Enemy, After Forever, Mezarkabul and dozens of Turkish non-professinal bands..
hi, I found this forum after going to Dark tranquillity, Hypocrisy and Soilwork concert :rock:
I work in a Chilean webzine, unfortunatly it is in Spanish. Now i'm studying here in MI. but I'm so happy here 'cause I can go to concerts that I will never see in my country!
Mononokin said:
hi, I found this forum after going to Dark tranquillity, Hypocrisy and Soilwork concert :rock:
I work in a Chilean webzine, unfortunatly it is in Spanish. Now i'm studying here in MI. but I'm so happy here 'cause I can go to concerts that I will never see in my country!

Welcome to the Board Mononokin... :wave: ... nice to see spanish metalheads here.. im Costa Rican.. well born in NY but family from CR...