Hello All!!!! I'm new here!!!!

The Clansman 2112

New Metal Member
Jul 23, 2005
My name is Ken and this is my first day on this board!!!

I was just looking around for some new info on the 're-united' Anthrax when I'm came across this.

I'm am defininely 'Old School' since I found the band back in 1987 which "Among the Living" and have been a fan ever since.

I look forward to talk some 'thrash' with you all!!!
Well, I guess since this thread is here, I should introduce myself properly, as well, though I´ve been shooting the shit around here for a year or so.

My name is Kjeld Lauridsen, native of Western Jutland, the hillbilly outpost of Denmark.

26 yo, I´m currently studying English at Århus University. I´m a PFC in the Danish army, my contract runs out dec. this year.
I´m a volunteer in the Danish homeguard (we cannot be sent to Iraq like the american HG).
My musical preferences (which are the main reason for being on this board) are:
I started out with Def Leppard, Iron Maiden. Went on, through Pantera, Biohazard to DM - Six Feet Under and the likes. Got Anthrax - Persistence Of Time for my 11´th birthday, later I got back into thrash, started listening to BM, and developed from there, basically.

Fave bands: Anthrax (obviously), Darkthrone, The Gathering, Saxon, Iron Maiden, Samael, Accept, My Dying Bride and so on....
damn i was hoping this was a john bush or reunion bashing thread !
ok well ummm welcome, buy the guy above me a sixer dude. that's the rulers i think, yeah that's the ticket.....
Okay, as long as the thread is started...

My name is Christopher Thelen - I was a "lurker" on the board for about a year until I joined a few months ago. I've been a music critic for 20 years (since high school newspapers), have done stints in college radio and college print media, and most recently spent 8-1/2 years founding and writing for "The Daily Vault" (hence my user name), which I'm about to step aside from. Never linked to the site or referred to it in previous posts 'cause I wasn't here to advertise for it, just wanted to share in some 'Thrax conversation.

I've been into Anthrax since Spreading The Disease, and think that Volume 8: The Threat Is Real is a fantastic release, so I fall in both the Joey and John camps. I've had the privilege of interviewing both John and Scott (though Scott was for S.O.D.), and met Joey in Chicago on the reunion tour. (Was supposed to do an e-mail interview with Charlie for this tour, but I don't think he ever got the questions I sent to the publicist - though, if he's reading or Wu tells him, I still owe him a beer. Maybe over some Kick-Ass Garlic Bread at Leona's, Charlie?) <g>

I live in the far north suburbs of Chicago with my wife and three kids, and have had some great conversations with many of you on the board regarding your bands, experiences with Sanctuary, and whatnot. Thanks for reading this far. Oh - and Happy Tree Friends rules!
ok, you made me feel guilty now. id like to apologise to all for not introducing myself. my names Al, i live in melbourne, australia. ive been an Anthrax fan since 1987. red bulls, beers, boobies, spirits or milk. take your pick. cheers. :kickass: :kickass:
Miltbrand said:
Fave bands: Anthrax (obviously), Darkthrone, The Gathering, Saxon, Iron Maiden, Samael, Accept, My Dying Bride and so on....

The Gathering kicks ass! Not many ppl know of them here but it´s my favourite band-btw Rene´s ex-gf is a good friend of mine :) when Danish, hope you are into King Diamond too :-))
Well, as long we're doing this...I'm Dave, I live in Prague, but I'm from Milwaukee, WI, fuckin' Brewtown (FUCK SABMiller swill)! I've been here a total of 3 years. I teach English, and there are worse jobs in the world. I'm 30 and if I ever say these words, put me out of my misery: "I've grown out of metal" or "I listened to them when I was younger but..." and don't even let me finish that sentence. Some bands that I think kick ass: Anthrax, Faith No More (Angel Dust is my favorite fucking record of all time), Mr. Bungle, Tomahawk, System, Roth Van Halen, Death, Prong, Pantera, Fear Factory, Sepultura, Maiden, Obituary, Napalm Death, a lot of non-metal stuff like Chili Peppers, Primus, Fishbone, (yep, I'm that generation, shit I feel old), Descendents, Police, etc., and I would like to check out the following bands: Meshuggah, Dimmu Borgir, Dew Scented, Agnostic Front, Vio-Lence.

Mimochodem Johnnie, I'll have to check out The Gathering.
my name is nick,i'm 39 years old. i live in nashville. originaly from chicago (southside). i am a lead supervisor at a pharmaceuticals distribution company . i have gone through AA and helped others attempt to go through.i don't knock anybody for doing things they do. i do what's right for me. i've been into thrax since armed and dangerous e.p. came out. and seen every tour except "fist full". my fave bands are misfits/samhain/danzig , maiden , black flag, thrax, stuck mojo, ramones, rancid. i'm currently getting into bls, comeback kid, and shadows fall. i play music that resembles none of the for mentioned bands. johnny cash's last 10 years of recording is the biggest influence in my writting. not that i'm anywhere near that league.
Hey Karrokid, you're in probably one of the most musical cities in the U.S., wouldn't you say? Have you seen Altman's film?
that's why i'm here.this is a tough town for music but it makes you step your game up a couple notches right away.as far as the film goes, haven't seen it yet but i plan on checking it out. is it worth a rental if i can find it ? i know it's an old film.
johnnieCzech said:
The Gathering kicks ass! Not many ppl know of them here but it´s my favourite band-btw Rene´s ex-gf is a good friend of mine :) when Danish, hope you are into King Diamond too :-))

Actually, I never really got into King or MF, not that I can´t enjoy it if other people put em on the stereo!
The Danish bands I like the most are Saturnus, Illdisposed, Pretty Maids, D.A.D. ("cow-punk"). The Danish metal scene has sucked for ages, but it´s starting to pick up, slowly.

Do you know the Czech doom band Silent Stream Of Godless Elegy?
Karrokid - "American Recordings" is one of the best albums I've ever heard. I'd recommend that or any of the American series that Cash recorded to anybody.

Drokk - ever see the "Critical Times" DVD from Fishbone? They've since pulled any support of this disc, but I thought it really captured a band at their most vulnerable, trying (and, IMHO, succeeding) to create some magical music.