Hello, another deaf noob asking for help :)


New Metal Member
Jun 27, 2011
First of all,
Hello Ultimate Metal Forum!,
its my first post but I've been here for a some time. (registered long ago for "search" button :))
and learned *a lot*

Ok, mix,
its my maybe 4th song, but first who realy matters, this one took many hours of mixing and even more hours of reading/learning homerecording stuff.
It's seems this one sounds not so bad, and I'm almost proud of myself until I turn on something made by pros,
then... WTF? my mix sounds like shit.

It's limit of my "skills" for now, and i feel like i missing something obvious.
thats why I decided to ask you for some help/advices.

link for wave file (raw mix with some parallel compression)
its peaking around -6dB, so, if someone want wasting some time for quick mastering...

sorry for my english, google translator + common sense.

thanks, and see you
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Hey man, I'm no 'pro' or anything yet, but, for my ears: it seems as if something is missing....could be the guitars being too thin and/or not being glued with the bass.
I never really liked AD anyway..but that's just me.
Hey there.
I'm still very much a noob, but I think the guitars are having phase issues. They sound kind of hollow.
Also, I would do something to the kick to add more thump and try to glue the choir and synth more into the mix.
It all seems very spread apart. There is alot of room in the mix and it sounds like somethings missing.
Try to glue everything together more tightly. I've successfully used softclipping to fill out a mix and add grunt to guitars etc.

I'll try to master your raw mix. I'll post it when I'm done.
Guits sound very dark and slightly muddy, you should probably start from scratch with those. As for the drums, kick is a bit on the quite side at times and needs to be automated. The snare just doesn't sound like a snare, sounds like someone is whacking a gavel on a table. Also hihat sounds very robotic (perhaps even a bit distorted, either way I'm not liking the sample(s)) which kills the feel a bit. The bass actually sounds very good, probably a combination of good player and good instrument I assume, bass rarely requires much processing when that is the case. It could use some more mid grit when there's no slapping or popping, automation is your friend.

My .02$.
Guits sound very dark and slightly muddy, you should probably start from scratch with those. As for the drums, kick is a bit on the quite side at times and needs to be automated. The snare just doesn't sound like a snare, sounds like someone is whacking a gavel on a table. Also hihat sounds very robotic (perhaps even a bit distorted, either way I'm not liking the sample(s)) which kills the feel a bit. The bass actually sounds very good, probably a combination of good player and good instrument I assume, bass rarely requires much processing when that is the case. It could use some more mid grit when there's no slapping or popping, automation is your friend.

+1 to pretty much all of this
thanks for answers!,
just wow, you guys hear a lot :)

could be the guitars being too thin and/or not being glued with the bass.
I never really liked AD anyway..but that's just me.
Guits sound very dark and slightly muddy, you should probably start from scratch with those. As for the drums, kick is a bit on the quite side at times and needs to be automated. The snare just doesn't sound like a snare, sounds like someone is whacking a gavel on a table. Also hihat sounds very robotic (perhaps even a bit distorted, either way I'm not liking the sample(s)) which kills the feel a bit.

it's indeed AD, (demo version, to be honest, like almost everything other freeware stuff mainly)
seems I will spend many hours to figure how to bulid drum kit from .wav samples.
Tried but gave up too early (except kick, AD one was too crappy even for me)

guitars, amp sim+ impulses.I spend a lot of time on this matter and still no succes.
hmm ok, science demands sacrifices, (you can laugh now, its internet I'm anonymous ;))
look what I achived! (pre mix guitars track) ;)

I will try mic + amp, i hope sure sv100 will be enough for home recording
they say its karaoke and instrumental!

Hey there.
I'm still very much a noob, but I think the guitars are having phase issues. They sound kind of hollow.
Also, I would do something to the kick to add more thump and try to glue the choir and synth more into the mix.
It all seems very spread apart. There is alot of room in the mix and it sounds like somethings missing.
Try to glue everything together more tightly. I've successfully used softclipping to fill out a mix and add grunt to guitars etc.

I'll try to master your raw mix. I'll post it when I'm done.
can't wait,
I need to read about phase and softclipping too, thanks!

The bass actually sounds very good, probably a combination of good player and good instrument I assume, bass rarely requires much processing when that is the case. It could use some more mid grit when there's no slapping or popping, automation is your friend.
My .02$.

this all is true about bass (btw, choirs improvised by his wife in few minutes)
automated "mid grit" by EQ? (or maybe multi band comp?, don't have other ideas, for now)

thanks again, guys
I will try fix mentioned errors as soon as I figure how. If there any other ;), even smallest issues please tell.
thanks for your time!
now i hear lack of depth in my "master", also bells sounds much better now.
Overall, louder, but not squished.

all in all, I will re-work drums and guitars,
just for practice

thanks again.