Hello everyone! Im new and this is my youtube channel

No probs! You've done well to get over 3000 subscribers on your channel!

I found this really cool Argentinean Death Metal band, Encoffined, and they've just release an album called Casket Citadel.

How do most people in Argentina listen to metal ... radion, CD, Spotify Youtube?

Also I'd be interested in your opinion on my band's release (given your experience in the genre) ...

This is a link to one of our heavier songs!


No probs! You've done well to get over 3000 subscribers on your channel!

I found this really cool Argentinean Death Metal band, Encoffined, and they've just release an album called Casket Citadel.

How do most people in Argentina listen to metal ... radion, CD, Spotify Youtube?

Also I'd be interested in your opinion on my band's release (given your experience in the genre) ...

This is a link to one of our heavier songs!


Spotify is the most used one here, youtube, and we like to buy physical copies too, i know that band, maybe i will ask to them if i can upload the album. Nice song, but i prefer guttural and clean voices in a song, it's just a personal opinion. Like this band: I fucking love them, they are my friends
Spotify is wields a lot of power and it is hard for new bands to get a look in, without building their own fan base. This is not a bad thing to a degree, as you should have to work to get your music appreciated. That's why channels like yours are pretty important for artists, as they offer another conduit for their music to be tested. The only issue is you get a lot of corrupt bottom feeding leeches trying to profiteer of new bands, by selling fake streams and followers, and other novel promotion ideas

Frater are cool - great song and awesome that you are supporting your mates!
Spotify is wields a lot of power and it is hard for new bands to get a look in, without building their own fan base. This is not a bad thing to a degree, as you should have to work to get your music appreciated. That's why channels like yours are pretty important for artists, as they offer another conduit for their music to be tested. The only issue is you get a lot of corrupt bottom feeding leeches trying to profiteer of new bands, by selling fake streams and followers, and other novel promotion ideas

Frater are cool - great song and awesome that you are supporting your mates!

Yeah, but i would like to have at least 10, 15k of subs, you know, if i upload 1 video and it gets only 100 views, i want at least 1000 views per video to help any band from my country. It's been 5 years to make those 3k of subs. Bands appreciate my support and some people thanked me for going to a concert of that "x" band